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"Honestly, I don't really even feel anything" Matteo locked and unlocked his jaw. "Like, I literally feel nothing, do you?"

Steve shook his head.

All the pain from earlier had slipped away. Well it was still mostly there, but it had faded enough that Matteo could push it to the back of his mind.

"I mean, I... I feel fine" Robin said, "I feel normal"

"Yeah, I feel– I feel fine" Steve repeated.

If anything, Matteo just felt a little tipsy or groggy from the injection. He slipped into a much better mood from earlier. He had his best friend on one side and one of the hottest guys in Hawkins on another. He felt better than fine, "I feel good, actually"

A little crazed, Steve and Robin laughed in agreement. Their words came out sluggish and slow, as if they were drunk. But Matteo had fully believed the Russians wanted to torture them with the drugs, not actually get them high.

"Wanna know a secret?" Robin let her head fall back until it hit Matteo's.


"I like it too!" She giggled. Okay all the serum did was get them high apparently. Matteo could live with that. "I feel great"

"Morons" Steve shook his head, laughing to himself, "They messed up the drug"

"They messed it up!" Matteo snorted, head falling against Steve's shoulder. But wait. He wasn't supposed to be going near Steve. Why was that? Matteo had forgotten already.

Everything was fuzzy and warm. Steve was warm.

He smelled like blood and sweat and on anyone else, it would have been gross. But it was Steve so Matteo just wanted to climb into his lap. Was that weird? Definitely. Did he want to do it anyway? Definitely.

"Morons!" Robin yelled, still giggling.

Everything was so much more funny now. Why had they protested the drug anyway? It was actually fun.

Steve raised his tied hands as far up as they could go, touching Matteo's cheek, "Morons!"

Matteo joined their chant as well, "Hey Morons!"

"Moron! Mor—"

Their chairs shifted a bit, causing Steve to slam his hand down on Matteo's knee to hold on for balance. "WHOA" He giggled, eyes wide.

Matteo pulled away, watching him fondly, but Steve pouted. His wrists were bound, but his fingers were still free so he rubbed circles on Matteo's knee. "Hi" He snorted, "Ow that hurts my nose"

"Hi" Matteo bit his lip, watching high Steve with amusement.

"You went away" Steve frowned, "You were like right here and now you're all the way over there"

Logically, Matteo knew Steve was this clingy because he was high. But logic flew out of the window the first day he met Steve.

"C'mere" Steve beckoned, his finger moving a centimeter up Matteo's leg. His breath hitched, though Steve showed no expression that would suggest he saw it, so Matteo nuzzled closer again.

Steve's collar had blood splattered on it and he looked hurt. Why was Steve hurt, again? Who the fuck hurt Steve?

"Didn't think you'd want a fag near you" Matteo mumbled in his ear. His ear was lovely. Why was Steve's ear so lovely? His face was slick with sweat, skin tomato red, but somehow he managed to make it look good. Matteo wanted to bite him. He wanted to kiss behind Steve's ear— the spot he had seen too many girls kiss. He wanted to kiss downward, press his lips against Steve's jaw. He wanted to kiss down his neck, making Steve make noises he'd heard in bathrooms, He wanted to pry off his shirt. Clothes were so stupid anyway.

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