14: 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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When I got home from school yesterday afternoon, Mam knew something was off. She asked me if I'd had a good day and I told her I had. I even tried to plaster on a smile so she'd leave me be.

Finally, after telling her I just wasn't feeling great, which was partly true, I went upstairs to my room.

Why had Will been so rude to me today?

Well, he hasn't been rude necessarily, but he'd been different. Almost like he hadn't wanted to talk to me.

I couldn't remember what I could've done to upset him.

We had been meeting by the lake almost every day and he had been fine then. Maybe something had changed.

It had bothered me all last night. And when I wake up this morning, it's the first thing plaguing my mind.

Even as I'm getting dressed for school, I'm wondering how he'll be today.

"What does it matter?" I ask myself out loud,"he's just a stupid boy."

At that moment, I make up my mind to stop getting hung up on Will Reid.

When he gets on the school bus, I look out my window so I don't have to see him as he walks by.

He's already made his way to the back and probably sat down when Lorie leans over to whisper in my ear.

"He looked at you," she says, with a giggle.


I know who, but I have to act like I don't.

"Willie Reid. Who else?"

I turn towards my friend and roll my eyes.

"Like I care who he looks at."

Lorie gives me a look and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Of course you care. Gina, you like him."

"Do not," I say, seriously,"never have. Never will."

The lie comes too easily out of my mouth.

It certainly doesn't fool Lorie either.

"I don't know what he did that made you so mad, but you did like him. I know you did."

"Let's talk about something else," I say, looking out the bus window.

Thankfully, Lorie honors my request and changes the subject.

My heart sinks a little bit when I realize that I'll be walking home today instead of walking to the lake.

I wonder if I can ever go again without running into him.

He didn't talk to me at all today. Even when he passes me in the hallway, I'm the only one that steals a glance.

To be quite honest, I'm embarrassed at my behavior. I've never acted like this before.

It's strange to want someone else's attention so badly that when you don't get it, your heart feels like it's gonna shrivel up and stop beating.

Maybe I'll talk to Mam about it, she would probably know why I'm hurting so badly over this.

But then again, I'd have to tell her about the lake and Will and I just can't do that. He feels like a secret. My secret.

I don't feel like sharing him with anyone.

Laughter from across the hall startles me out of my thoughts.

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