Chapter 31

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Sapphira sighed as she stared at her closet; what on earth had she gotten herself into? And why was this all happening to her? 

Admittedly, it had taken quite a bit of back and forth, but in the end, she did manage to get the grumpy alpha to agree to a schedule. He hadn't been too pleased with it, but he agreed all the same. So, tonight, Sapphira would be headed into the wolf's den, or as he called it, 'the pack house'. Initially, Luke had wanted them to head to the house immediately, but Sapphira had insisted on stopping by her house to at least pack an overnight bag. 

So now here she was, standing in front of her closet, trying to figure out what she was taking with her. On the bed behind her lay her halfway-packed bag, with Percy curled up next to it. Around him and the bag lay all the different items she had picked out to take with her. All that was left was to decide on a pyjama. 

The problem was, however, that she didn't really have one. Usually, she would either sleep naked or find an oversized old T-shirt and sleep in that. She, however, did not feel comfortable with either option when it came to sharing a bed with Luke. In fact, just the idea of sharing a bed with Luke made her feel slightly uncomfortable. I mean, sure, they are soulmates, she knew that yet she felt like she didn't really know him yet... 

"Werewolves are weird," she said to Percy as she sat down on the bed next to him, gently scratching behind his ear. The cat let out a little chirping sound, before purring loudly as he stretched. Sapphira chuckled softly as she smiled down at her cat. 

"I heard that." Mason's voice rang out from downstairs.

"Good!" Sapphira yelled back as she rose from the bed again, "Because it's true!" 

Initially when Sapphira had gone home to pack her bag, Luke had insisted on joining her. The problem was, however, that he was needed at the pack house. So, as a compromise, he had sent Mason with her to pack a bag. Sapphira had been adamant that she didn't need a babysitter to go to her own house and grab a bag, but the Alpha wouldn't listen. 

The second she had reached her house, she realised that Mason was already there, waiting for her. 

"Are you nearly done?" He shouted up at her. 

"Almost!" She yelled back, quickly throwing an oversized T-shirt in the bag and the rest of the clothing that lay on the bed. With a flick of her wand her toiletries packed themselves and flew into the bag that shut itself. 

"Alright, Perce." She said to the cat, who now looked up at her with interest, "I'm going to spend the night at the wolves. You can join me, or you can stay here, whatever you prefer." 

The cat blinked up at her, and she nodded back at him, "So I take it you're coming?" 

And with that, the cat leapt off of the bed and walked down the stairs after her. 

"Is that all you're taking with you?" Mason said, downing the last bit of his tea as he sat at he kitchen table.  

"Yes, why?" 

He shook his head, "I just thought you might need more than that." 

"It's only one night." She replied, waving her wand at the now empty cup. Immediately, it cleaned itself and flew back up in her cupboard.

Mason frowned as he stood up, "One night? Are you sure about that?"

Sapphira sighed, motioning for them to leave, "One night, for now." She added, "Now let's go; we can't keep your precious Alpha waiting, can we?"

At first, Mason insisted on carrying her bag; it was only when Sapphira made the bag float behind them that he stopped. They walked in silence for a moment before Mason spoke up, "So I take it the little furball is coming as well?" He nodded at Percy who was trotting along beside them. 

"He is." Sapphira said with a soft chuckle, "I thought you guys wouldn't notice a little extra fur." 


Soon, they reached the car that Mason had brought along and continued their journey by car. With the bag in the trunk, Percy purring away on Sapphira's lap and Mason behind the wheel they drove to the pack house. 

"So, how did you manage to get the big guy to agree to a schedule?" Mason said. 

Sapphira let out a huff of air as she stared out of the window, "At this point, I'm thinking sheer luck... He's not exactly the easiest, but I think we might be getting somewhere." 

Mason nodded, glancing at her for a brief moment, "And how do you feel spending the night at the pack house?" 

"It feels weird." Sapphira said without a shred of hesitance, "Just really, plain weird. I mean, I get that it is normal for you guys, but-" She paused for a moment, "But I can't imagine living in a house with that many people." 

"See, I can't imagine living in a house all by yourself, so far away from everyone. When my mate and I moved into our home, it felt strange not to be surrounded by the others. It was empty at first." 

Sapphira nodded as the pack house started coming into view, "I guess it depends on what you're used to." 

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