Chapter 29

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They sat there for a moment, not saying anything. Sapphira didn't know what to say or what to feel, for that matter. The entire situation had been nothing short of an emotional roller coaster, and she was sure it hadn't ended yet. 

It was strange, seeing the oh-so-big bad alpha sitting on the forest floor in front of her, holding her hands. She had been angry with him before; I mean, she still was, but now slightly less so. But there was one thing they agreed on; they had to find a solution, preferably fast. 

By now, the big bad alpha had seemingly calmed down quite a bit, and Sapphira decided they didn't need to remain sitting on the forest floor. 

Luke had suggested going to the pack house, but Sapphira refused, asking if they could go to the cottage instead. Luke had hesitated for a second, and then Sapphira suggested her shop.

"I don't think that's a better idea," Luke said, standing and still holding one of Sapphira's hands, "Don't you run a potion shop? Won't that mean that it is filled with breakable items?" 

Sapphira looked at him for a moment, "There is a backroom, you know."  Sapphira said, trying not to think too much about their interlocked hands. It almost seemed as he was holding onto her for his dear life. "Besides you seem to have calmed down quite a bit." 

The alpha looked down at their hands for a moment, rubbing his thumb along hers, "Alright." 

Together they walked over to the cottage, as Sapphira insisted she would at least need to grab her keys. After locking the door to her home behind them, they started walking towards the town.

"Do you always walk?" Luke said, breaking the silence that hung between them.

"No," Sapphira said, a soft laugh leaving her, "No, I normally go by broom, actually. But I don't think it will be able to hold the both of us."

"You actually use a broom to fly around?" He said, an incredulous look on his face, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Yes, and that my broom is made for one, not for two."

He huffed before asking another question, "Don't you own a car?"

"I do," She said, as they walked down the thin forest path, "But the village is close by, and I can't park it at my house anyways. So, I either walk or go by broom."

For a while, they continued walking, neither of them saying anything. Soon they had reached the edge of the town and stepped out of the forest. As Luke stepped in the sunlight, however, Sapphira could see some flecks of blood on his pants, and his hands. "Let me remove those before anyone sees." She said, grabbing her wand from her pocket.

Before he could respond or understand what she was doing, the wand was pointed at him, and she muttered something. Then in the blink of an eye, the blood was gone.

Luke stared at his pants for a moment, "Alright..." He said as Sapphira pulled him through the town and over to her store.

As they reached it, she noticed an elderly man standing in front of it, peering into the dark store.

"Mr Garcia!" Sapphira said with a smile as she waved at him.

The man turned around and looked at Sapphira for a moment and smiled. Mr Garcia was a short, stout man. His hair, or what was left of it, was completely white and typically adorned with a flat cap, hiding his tiny horns underneath it. The pants he wore were loose and rather long, obscuring the goats' hooves and lack of shoes. "Sapphira!" He said with a small wave, "Am I glad to see you! I worried that something might have happened to you."

As they approached, however, Mr Garcia's gaze moved to Luke, who stared at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Alpha." Mr Garcia said in a meek voice as he stared up at him, bowing his head slightly.

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