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I lay stretched out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. How long had it been since I'd slept? It felt like days. With no phone, no watch, no sunlight, I couldn't estimate how much time had passed since Riisen and the others had been executed. A few hours, a day? It all blended together.

My head was throbbing from lack of sleep and my eyes were burning. I'd been going on pure adrenaline for the past few hours, but now that I'd finally calmed down, fatigue was creeping in.

The windowless room was illuminated by a tall lamp positioned next to a wooden bedside table. Of the three bulbs, however, one was burst and the other glowed dimly like a sick firefly. I didn't mind, my eyes were closing by themselves anyway, I needed to sleep.

Unfortunately, in the dead silence around me, with no other distractions, the memories of the execution crept back into my mind and gave me no rest. And when I had driven them away, I thought of Maya.  

It was only somewhere on the line between waking and sleeping that my mind offered me completely different images. With the memory of Shira's hot mouth and experienced fingers, I finally fell asleep.

When I awoke from my dreamless sleep, it took me a moment to realise what had happened and where I was. But then the events of the past few days hit me in all their uncensored horror.

Slowly I crawled out of the covers and sat up on the bed. I scanned the darkened room, but everything was in its place, nothing had changed.

Shira had not returned.

I felt rested, I must have slept at least six, eight hours. He should have been back by now.

Of course, anything could have delayed him, or he just misjudged how long his mission would take. It wasn't a big deal, he'd be back sooner or later.

It didn't mean anything had happened to him.

I pushed the unpleasant thought out of my head and got up. I'd kill for a cup of coffee, but there were only a few leftovers from yesterday and an unfinished bottle of wine on the table.

I ate something and threw the rest in the bin.

I put on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt that I'd found in the locker and taken without permission. I didn't know if they were Shira's clothes, the shirt fit me well, but the pants kept slipping off my hips. The belt I'd pulled from my ruined uniform helped a bit.

I browsed the books on the floor for a moment, then my curiosity got the better of me and I checked out the safe hidden under the wooden floor. I couldn't open it, of course, it was coded.

As time passed, my nervousness grew. Several hours must have gone by and still no sign of Shira.

I remembered his advice not to leave, but how long should I wait? I didn't even want to think about the possibility that he might not come back at all.

I hypnotised the door with my eyes, as if I could force it open through sheer force of will.

For long minutes nothing happened and I could no longer wait in vain. I picked up my jacket and despite the warning made my way out.


I sneaked quietly out of the building and looked around. It was late at night, a light drizzle was falling and puddles were forming on the asphalt road. I quickly assessed the situation.

I stood in a residential area, with brick houses lining both sides of the road, some noticeably damaged, others almost intact and apparently occupied by soldiers. There was not a soul in the area, but just as I was thinking how lucky I was, a patrol appeared on the other side of the road. I retreated further into the shadows and a group of ten soldiers passed me unnoticed.

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