Chapter 38

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Harry's POV

"Come in." Dumbledore called as I knocked on the door.

After taking a deep breath I pushed open the door and walked inside. Dumbledore's office looked the same as usual, packed with thousands of trinkets that I don't think anyone apart from Dumbledore knows what they are for.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" I asked politely.

"Yes Harry, please take a seat." The old man responded, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

I sat down obediently then asked "what did you want to talk to me about?"

Dumbledore smiled at me then announced "I'm proud of you, Harry."

I was not expecting that in the slightest. "I'm sorry what?" Stated, highly confused.

"I am extremely proud of you Harry. I will admit that while I was trying to find a way to release Sirius, I did not try very hard. I'm proud that you took things into your own hands. I'm sorry I didn't try harder." Dumbledore responded.

This was certainly very shocking to hear. I looked at Dumbledore and asked "thank you professor, now, am I allowed to live with Siri and Remy in the summer?"

Dumbledore sighed, "I'm sorry Harry, but the blood wars keep you safe and since you are not biologically related to Sirius or Remus you cannot stay with them."

I growled in frustration, there were several things I could have said but I didn't. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"If I can't stay with them in the summer, can they stay at Hogwarts? I am technically a minor so I am legally required to have a guardian present when there are official tournament meetings and I need help training since I have an age disadvantage." I reasoned.

Dumbledore looked thoughtful for a moment before he eventually sighed "I may not like it, however I will allow it as you give reasonable arguments as to why I should let your godfather and Remus stay."

I grinned happily, "one final thing, it's not 'my godfather and Remus' it's 'my godparents'."

Dumbledore looked slightly surprised however he didn't say anything. You'd think by now he'd know about my family but then again...he is absolutely batshit crazy (not that I can say much).

"Will that be all Professor." I asked.

"Not quite Harry. You see, recently, you have reminded me of your parents more than ever and I wanted to show you some of my fondest moments with your parents."

He wanted to show me memories of my parents...that was new. And slightly strange. Dumbledore got up and walked over to his pensive. I stood up and followed him, passing Fawkes on my way there. Fawkes (Dumbledore's phoenix) was fast asleep but as I passed him, I was quite sure that I could hear something in my mind. It was almost as though I could hear someone else's thoughts.

"Oh yeah shake those tail feathers."

Astounded, I stopped, stared and gaped at the sleeping Phoenix.

"Are you alright Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

I knew that I probably looked like I had seen a ghost so I responded slowly "yeah...I thought I heard something in my head..."

Dumbledore chuckled "oh that was probably Fawkes, it's not uncommon for someone with extraordinary magical abilities to be able to hear his thoughts."

I was still wide-eyed as I stated "I'm more shocked at finding out your phoenix is a pervert."

Dumbledore roared with laughter "dear me, you know I once found him with a feather duster."

I covered my ears "Fuck me I'm going to be scarred for life."

Dumbledore continued to laugh before eventually turning to the pensive and focused on removing 3 silvery strands of memory. With practiced ease, I dived into the pensive.

My feet landed on the stone of the great hall. Looking around I saw that I recognised a few of the faces: Sirius, my mum, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Flitwick, a greasy haired Slytherin that I assumed was Snape.

I wondered where my dad, Remy and the traitor were? My wondering stopped when 3 people barged into the great hall dramatically. I stared. They (my dad, Remus and traitor) were dressed in utterly ridiculous outfits as, at the very tops of their voices, sang the song by ABBA, 'Dancing Queen'.

"You are the dancing Queen."

"Young and sweet."

"Only 17."

Sirius was roaring with laughter.

"Happy birthday Sirius." My dad hollered.

Remus chuckled then gave Sirius a hug "happy birthday Pads."

The scene changed.

I was, once again, standing in the great hall only this time when I spotted my dad, he looked no more than 11 or 12. Dumbledore was standing in front of his lectern, evidently giving his start of term inspirational speech.

"Now, I encourage you to aim for the stars." Dumbledore announced.

My dad promptly threw mashed potatoes in Sirius' face.

"Oi what was that for you knob!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Dumbledore said aim for the stars, Sirius is a star so I just followed his orders." My dad shrugged.

Sirius glared at him. "I'll get you back Potter," he growled before throwing some mashed potatoes back at my dad.

It missed. The potatoes went soaring through the air and hit Lucius Malfoy in the face. He roared with indignation and began charming all sorts of food items to fly back at Sirius. Evidently his aim was just as shit as Sirius' as they missed and hit Remus, my mum and an infuriated Hufflepuff prefect. It soon turned into a war. Food flying everywhere, gravy boats upturned over people's heads and students diving under the tables to take cover. It was complete and utter pandemonium.

"Dear Lord, Potter's only been here for under an hour and he's already started a food fight." McGonagall sighed.

"I think we are in for a rough 7 years." Flitwick squeaked.

"At least he's not in your house." McGonagall sighed.

The scene changed for the third and final time. I was still in the great hall but the scene in front of me was absolutely hilarious. Sirius was on his knees, begging McGonagall to go to the Valentine's ball with him.

"Come on Minnie it'll be fun."

"I said no Mr Black. Are you really that desperate? I'm sure there are plenty of people in that fan club of yours that want to go with you."

Remus hauled Sirius to his feet "come on Pads" he sighed before dragging him away from the staff table.

Remus was whispering in his ear which made me chuckle slightly. How on earth was Dumbledore so oblivious he didn't realise that they were together?

I fell out of the pensive then broke down into tears of laughter. It was great to see first-hand some of the mischief my dad had gotten up to.

"Thank you headmaster, but what was that for?" I smiled.

Dumbledore chuckled "always asking questions like Lily. Well I wanted to show you that your parents would be proud of you for your prank and for getting through the first task with style."

I grinned then turned around and walked out of the office, still silently fuming about having to return to the Dursley's. What was it Dumbledore had said ah that was it, something about 'not being biologically related to Sirius and Remus'. Then, I remembered something that I had read in the library the other day. Blood adoption.

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