Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I stepped out into the area and there in front of a nest of eggs, loomed the Hungarian Horntail. The incantation of the conjunctivitis curse decided not to pop into my mind so I used the first spell I thought of.

I walked further into the area before casting the spell three times.

I thought of living with Sirius and Remus, Cedric and my friend before yelling, "expecto patronum, expecto patronum, expecto patronum."

A stag burst out of my wand and it was followed not by a second and third stag but by a doe and a shaggy dog. Sirius I realised.

The Horntail looked around madly then snapped her jaws at the pearly semi-transparent animals.

"What isss thisss," something hissed.

"What are thessse creaturesss?"

Dragons are parselmouths? Of course, they are giant lizards. Why didn't I think of it before.

"Sssstop, I do not wissssh to harm you but there issss a fake egg amongssst your clutch. I ssssimply wissssh to remove it." I hissed.

"You ssssspeak?" The dragon asked curiously.

"Yesssss I ssssspeak." I responded.

"May I remove the fake egg from your clutch of eggsss?" I asked.

"You may, what isss your name missss?" The dragon asked.

I walked carefully over to the clutch of eggs and responded, "Harry Potter, great and noble lady."

I continued to edge closer to nest as the dragon stated, "Harry Potter, a desssscendant of Ssssssalazar Ssssslytherin and Godric Gryffindor. It issss an honour to meet you."

That was a shock. I almost stopped dead in my tracks before I remembered I was being timed. I reached the nest then grabbed the golden egg in a firm grip.

"Thank you fair lady. I will admit I did not know I wasss a desssscendant of Ssssssalazar Ssssslytherin and Godric Gryffindor." I admitted.

I felt a tug around the neck of my robe before suddenly I was launched up into the air. The audience screamed. I landed on the rough and spikey back of the Hungarian Horntail.

"I ssssshall take you for a ride, you dissserve to know about your ancesssstorsss." The dragon hissed.

She reared and flapped her wings hard. She pulled into the sky and away from the ground beating her wings against the air with. She was jerked back by the metal chain tied around her neck however she pulled away with ease, the chair dangling from her as she soared higher and higher into the air.

"Harry Potter, you are a desssscendant of Ssssssalazar Ssssslytherin and Godric Gryffindor. Ssssalazar'ssss daughter married Godric'ss ssson. They had a sssson who had another ssson who had a daughter who married into the Potter family. The daughter and the Potter had a sssson who married Lolanthe Peveral. Then it continuessss under the Potter family tree." She explained.

I was shocked. Theoretically I owned half of Hogwarts. Malfoy would be pissed.

"You Harry Potter, have been given the honour of the title of a Dragon friend. Whenever you need a helping wind, jusssst call." The dragon announced.

A dragon friend. I thought that was a myth. Apparently the title is only give to very few people. The last person to be give the title of Dragon friend was Godric Gryffindor. Well I am related to him so that may explain why I was given the title.

"Wow thank you for thissss pressstigiousss honour." I gasped.

"You are welcome." The dragon responded.

"May I asssk, what isss your name?" I asked

"My name issss Sssselina." The dragon stated.

"It isss a pleasssure to meet you Ssselena. I beautiful name for a beautiful dragon." I smiled.

I elapsed into silence and took in my surroundings. We were flying just above the forbidden Forrest and it was beautiful. I was surprised at how relaxing flying on a dragon was. It was so smooth.

"May I asssk for a favour?" Selena questioned.

"Of coursssse."

"Will you visssit me before I am taken back to my homeland, you may bring a few friendsss and let them asssk a quessstion. If it issss not too much to assk, could you alssso get the dragon keeperssss to ssship ussss with our eggsss as it issss not nice being away from them?" Selina asked.

She began to descend back down to the area so I responded quickly "of coursssse."

I braced myself for a round landing however it never came. Selena landed with the grace of a ballerina. I slid off the dragons back, careful not to catch my clothes on her spikes, then stood before the deathly silent arena, you could have heard a pin drop.

I raised my egg into the air and was met by a roar of applause and screaming.

The judges fired their scores into the air. From Karkaroff I received a ten, from Bagman I received a ten, from Madame Maxime I received a ten, from Barty Crouch I received a ten and from Dumbledore I received...a ten.

I earned full marks. I grinned proudly before walking out of the area and into the medical tent.

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