Chapter 33 - Classes

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With this Adonis and Lucas wrapped up the late lunch and headed to find others. They all gathered in the Gazebo of the magical garden which they had explored after the orientation after the head master has asked them to explore the premises on their own. 

By the time everyone gathered around, it was almost late in the evening. Once everyone was gathered around, Dona asked, " So, how did it go? Were you guys able to fill out the forms and submit it to the clubs you all wanted to join? "

Everyone replied positively in chorus and Dona said, " That's good. As promised, I have also applied to all the club activities and submitted the form. I heard we have the mock tests for the acceptance in the clubs the day after tomorrow. Let's all do our best. "

After the short chat, the gang then headed to the cafeteria and had their dinner before they departed and called it a day. 

Next day, everyone wakes up at the scheduled time and got ready. Soon, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret headed out of their dorm room and met with Adonis and Hazel who were just coming out of their own dorm room. They all greeted the pleasanteries with each other and gathered around deciding to go and grab breakfast together in the cafeteia. 

As soon as they reached the cafeteria, the boys were all present grabbing the breakfast. So, the girls join in on them where Hazel sat beside Winston, Princess Margaret sat beside Prince Zavier, Princess Elizabeth sat beside Prince Felix while Adonis sat beside Lucas as The twins were sitting side by side leaving her no empty place to sit. 

Adonis frowned a bit looking at today's breakfast menu which was bread and butter, coffee and croissants. She was hoping for the pancakes as she loved them. When Adonis frowned, Lucas noticed it and asked her while softly whispering in her ears, " Why are you frowning? "

Adonis was surprised listening to Luke's soft voice and smiled a bit before she hushed replied, " Because I was anticipating pancakes for the breakfast instead of the bread and butter or croissants. "

Lucas smiled a bit at the annoyed Adonis and asked her again, " Do you want to eat pancakes that badly , huh? "

Adonis nodded hearing Lucas ask the question and once again Lucas spoke in a hushed tone and ask her, " Do you want me to bring pancakes for you with my magic? "

Adonis eyes lit up listening to Lucas and said, " Can you really do that? "

Lucas has his index finger on his chin as if thinking hardly before he said, " I mean, yeah if that's what you want and since you are already helping me a lot, I can do this bit for you. "

Adonis then thought for a while before she said, " Nah, it's fine. If you do that, these group of people won't leave me alone. I would rather grumpily eat those breads than have them lining up their requests too. " 

Lucas smiled at that and said, " Okay, as you wish. Just so you know, if you change your mind, do let me know. " 

Adonis hummed at that and finished the breakfast. Now everyone was on their way to their class for the day. Once they entered the class, they took their seats just like before and patiently waited for professor Ralph to show up. 

As soon as the clock strikes 08:00 AM, professor arrived in the class and all the students greeted him the morning pleasantaries.

Professor Ralph returned the morning pleasantries to all the students and carried on with his lectures where he started on with where he left off on the previous day. 

So, I remember giving you guys the assignments. I hope all of you by now knows what your mana points are and what is your level? 

Before we discuss anything further, let's all talk a bit about the level of mana and mana points. " According to the books, everyone thinks that there are 4 levels of mana but if one traced back to the ancient times and books, they will know that we have 5 levels of mana. "

" Anyone in here knows what levels of mana are as it was also a part of your assignment? How about you give me an answer Lucas? "

Lucas replied, " Yes, according to the assignments, we all went to the library to research a bit about the mana, it's types and levels. Like you said, there are 5 levels of mana and each levels has a name. " 

" Level 1 is the beginner of the mana and is especially for the people who uses raw mana like knights. " 

" Level 2 mana is the mana used by the people who are having destruction and darkness attributes also known as Black mana. " 

" Level 3 is the soul level magic which is used by the pure mana users. "

" Level 4 is the second strongest type of mana used mostly by the saint mana particularly for those who uses healing magic and the saints in the temple also known as Divine mana. " 

" Level 5 is the rare, strongest and highest level of the mana used by the person who possesses high level of mana also known as the legendary mana since it can be used by the legendary attributes users only. " 

Professor Ralph was impressed with the explanation and said, " You are right for all the things you mentioned but the catch for the level 5 magic is that, it cannot be used by anyone with the legendary attributes people, it can be only gifted to a certain people who met with the criterias and so far in the history we had none. "

" For a person to possess Level 5, one needs to have a vast capacity of mana and mana points stored in them which can regenerate your own mana points like your body regenerates the blood. "

" It will be so nice to see if we will be able to witness such a historical scenario when we already have someone among us who already possess all the legendary attributes. " 

" To sum it up, Level 1 is Raw mana, Level 2 is Black mana, Level 3 is Pure mana, Level 4 is Divine mana while Level 5 is Legendary mana. "

" Now, having an abundance amount of mana and mana capacity does not mean that you are invincible. It means that you have the energy and the required tools to do a certain work but in order for you to do that, you need to know on how to utilize those mana and use it to your advantage. " 

Once you all know your mana types, mana points and level of magic, you guys are all set to go for your advanced achievements on the attributes you all have but remember class, never forget your basic class for the mana in your life as the base needs to be cleared in your mind to achieve success and achievements in your life. 

" That's it for the basic classes since all your queries and basic knowledge has been cleared up. Does anyone here have any questions? Feel free to ask me and I will certainly answer those questions and clear your doubts. "

Professor Ralph waited for a few minutes and since no one has any queries, he ended the class for the day while further announcing to the students to submit their work. 

Now, class please submit your assignments on the desk before leaving the class for the day and I will check your assignments, rate them while also posting your grades up on the bulletin board. If you all successfully passed the assignments, you will be transferred to the main classes and if you didn't then I am afraid you will have to attend my classes more until the base is clear for you to transfer. 

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