Chapter - 17 Capture Targets

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Just as soon as the soul of Adonis was transferred to her body, Within few hours, the light of the tattoo shone brightly and Felicity came forward looking at Adonis, Felicity cried and the tears which flowed from his eyes were dripped on the body of Adonis where the dagger pierced, cleaning the poison and healing the wound marks on her body. With this, Felicity disappeared just as he appeared before Adonis.

Soon, Adonis woke up from her deep slumber only to forget all of her memories and the past days she spent with Akhlys, Felicity and baby dragon. Once she started talking with her friends, she started regaining her memories one by one but before she could remember everything regarding the forest, she was now once again falling unconscious.

Present timeline :

Crown prince and princess shouted in unison, " What? "

Everybody present in the room looked questioningly at Cassius and he just shrugged them off by saying, I just heard her what she said before fainting. So, if anyone who is going to answer all those questions is Adonis. So, let's just wait for her to wake up. Why do you guys think that I called for the healer all of a sudden?

Suddenly a blinding light shone on Adonis's hand and a tattoo was formed on her right hand of a giant serpent with a sword in it. Seeing the scenario, Winston, Cassius and Asher came forward and said in unison, " Your highnesses, since my sister Adonis has saved your life, do us a favour and forget what you saw today. Do not say a word about this to a soul. "

Crown prince Xavier and princess Elizabeth both looked at each other and nodded their heads saying, " You have our word, we will not discuss this matter with any one else but you. "

Now, tell me what exactly happened as this is not the first time something has happened to her. I mean we all saw that mysterious looking bird shedding tears on her body and All of a sudden the body started to heal. So you people will have to let us in on everything for us to know and save her from future troubles.

Winston calmly responded to their questions first, " Before I answer any of your questions, I want both of you and even the twins to promise me that you will save my sister first at all cost whenever she is ever in trouble and under no circumstances should you reveal about her to the outside world. Let her be the one to decide if she wants to say it or not. Do I have a promise? "

Everyone looked at each other before saying, " We promise to save her if we ever find her in trouble and will keep a secret about whatever you want to let us know. "

Winston sighed a relief before he started to speak slowly and calmly, " Since my sister was young, she started reading the books. At first I thought she was just scrolling the pages so one day I asked her and she replied that she was reading the books. At first I didn't believe her so I tested her and asked her random words mentioned in the book she was reading and she answered all of them correctly with precision. "

" If it was just this, I wouldn't have worried but when I started taking her to the library with me to read books, I also noticed her reading ancient scriptures and passages in the book written in ancient languages which has always been kept at our dukedom and to protect it. I asked her what was she doing? She replied to me that she was reading historical book of the kingdom written in a different language. So I asked her if she can read it and to my surprise she started reading the ancient book written in ancient language very fluently. "

" That's when I realized that my sister is a genius and a prodigy which is found once in a century and I need to protect her at all cost. I want you guys to just leave this information in this room and not a single soul should know about it. I don't want the information to be spread out and assassins starts coming to her house and attack on her."

" As you might know your highness, my sister might be the key to undo the curse upon the kingdom thousands of years ago. If the emperor knows, then my sister might be in trouble. I do not want her to face the troubles yet. She is still very young to take on such big responsibilities. Her power does not end here. She started creating new games and languages to play and she would teach me and the twins here. "

" She has always been eager to read books and try on different methods to test the theory. One of which is as you know Asher and Cassius when we tested our mana capacity before our mana testing exam and the way she comes up with the way to increase your mana capacity in the body is ironic. We even started practicing according to her schedule and believe it or not, we found our mana increasing drastically. "

Winston : " Now you guys know why I am always so over protective of my sister and I expect the same from you guys. I do not want my baby sister to suffer harshness of this world yet. "

Crown prince, Asher, Cassius and princess all acknowledged Winston's words and assured him to do as per his instruction. Listening to the story of Adonis, princess Elizabeth started shedding tears and exclaimed that, " she is so happy to be saved by her and she will really appreciate it if she could be accepted as one of her friends. "

Crown prince holds his sister dearly in his arms and said to Winston that, " I can understand your over protectiveness for your sister as I love my sister very dearly, I can understand from where those emotions come from and what you are going through right now. "

Asher and Cassius also added that, we knew that Adonis is kind of special but we never knew that she would be genius prodigy. We will treat her special and will always try and protect her from harms way without even her knowing. We promise you Winston that she will be the happiest sister, women, daughter and a girl one can dream of.

Now as for the mystical bird, I think I know what that was and where did it came from said Cassius.

Everyone looked at Cassius expecting for him to say more. Cassius opened his mouth and started speaking, " Remember the day we both came to your manor with our mother? The day when we first met Adonis and we were playing hide and seek. I saw Adonis walking towards the enchanted garden forest which is always foggy but before I could approach her or stop her, she entered the garden. "

" We all were very worried when she didn't returned until late evening. Eventually I noticed that when she came back, she had a tattoo on her ankle which is similar to the mystical bird we saw earlier. It's just a theory of mine but it seems like she has formed a contract with that bird and as a part of it, the tattoo was formed. "

" As for the mystical bird crying, I am assuming the bird is a phoenix and phoenix are the rare beasts which has the power to healing when they shed tears. Remember when the bird cried, the wounds on Adonis body started to heal and when the healer checked, he said it was some kind of miracle to heal from the dangerous poison. "

Asher further added, " Than that means that the blinding light just now and the tattoo on her hand might mean she formed a contract with the giant serpent but what is the meaning of the sword with the serpent? "

Crown Prince said that, " With this at least we all know that she has been protected by the magical beasts and as for the information on the magical beasts, me and my sister here can research and gather the information on it as much as we can and we will share those information with each other. "

Winston nodded his head and said, " It sounds like a good plan. Let us all meet at my home at the excuse of having a playdate with me and my sister once or twice in a week according to your schedules. "

Princess Elizabeth acknowledged the idea and said, " It's a perfect plan to be executed in motion. We will all meet each other at your home after you guys go back home on every Sunday and Thursday. Does anyone has any objection to it? "

Everyone silently acknowledged the days and the meeting days were decided to be held at the dukedom every Thursday and Sunday. With this all the kids around started to scatter away except for Winston.

Winston looked at Adonis and said, " Did you really gain your memories? If yes, then that would be great. I miss you my sister. Please wake up soon and call me winy once again like usual. "

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Where stories live. Discover now