12 | killer of men

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"We need to get Blaise before we begin, this was his idea George."

"Don't bother. I've already asked and he's chickened out." He sighs.

"Oh well. More fun for the two of us." I smile, as George and I sit on my fluffy rug, cross legged as we mix hair dye with a potion in a bowl. Just a little something to make the dye a little permanently stinky.

"So how did your date go?" George asks me, raising a brow. "I saw, it seemed like it went well."

"It did go quite well surprisingly." I take a breath.

"He's only nice to you, you know. The way he speaks to you, no one's ever seen him talk to anyone else like that. He's mostly cold to anyone he meets." George explains.

"Really? I mean he talks to me coldly sometimes too but today he was-"

"Different? He must really like you then."

"Hmm." I sit there continuing to mix the pot. "I think this is done. It's time to prank Malfoy."

"Okay so, I have a surprise for you." George says as we both get up.

"Ooh, what is it?" I ask him excitedly.

"Harry let me borrow his invisibility cloak." He pulls out the cloak from his bag and I stand there in shock.

"What!? I never knew this existed!"

"Mhm, it sure does. Pretty sure it's the only one in the wizarding world."

"We better be careful then."

"Indeed Camila. Also, your brother is coming with us." George tells me and my jaw drops.

"What? Josh? Why?"

"Me and him are best buds. Haven't you heard?"

"Uh, no not really. Interesting choice of friend you've made there George." I laugh.

"Nah he's sound. He should be waiting for us in the common room."


"I've got a bone to pick with you Camila." I hear my brother's voice say as I enter the common room.

"Baby bro, long time no see." I laugh awkwardly.

"Uh, uh. Let's get this prank done with, then I've got to speak to you and a certain someone." He states, and I just nod.

He obviously knows about me and Riddle, the whole school does by now. And clearly, Josh is not happy about it. Rightly so, I mean, my mum did specifically tell the both of us to stay away. I hope he realises that Mattheo is not as bad as we thought he was. I mean, god, he's so annoying. But he's no killer of men.

George, Josh and I slowly tiptoe into Malfoy's dorm, which weirdly, the door was already open. We both have the cloak over us, so if there was anyone inside they wouldn't be able to see us.

Thankfully, there is nobody in the bedroom, but, the bathroom door is shut and locked, so the three of us hide in the corner of the room until whoever's in the bathroom walks out.

We stand there for a good five minutes, beginning to become impatient, until suddenly, the door swings right open, only for Draco to come back into the room snogging Pansy's face off.

The three of us slap our mouths shut before we could gasp, or make a sound. But even if we made a noise, I'm certain the two of them wouldn't even notice.

They make their way over to the bed, and it feels illegal to watch, so the boys and I slowly creep over to the bathroom. We make it inside and Josh grabs Draco's shampoo bottle.

I let out a quiet laugh, not shocked to see that Draco has some next level designer shampoo sitting on the glass shelf. George pulls out the potion dye and pours it gracefully into the bottle. I close the lid and put it back where it was.

We're about to make our way out the bathroom when suddenly Malfoy enters, and closes the door behind him. At this point, we know we're fucked. We remain still, and cover our mouths, only to realise that Malfoy's going for a piss.

He pulls his trousers and boxers down and the sight before us makes all three of us burst out laughing. We slap our mouths shut and his head whips towards us.

"Who's there!?" He shouts alarmed, looking all around him.

He pulls his boxers and pants back up and takes out his wand.

"Don't make a sound." I say ever so quietly.

"He's got a tiny willy!" George responds laughing quietly.

"On my count, we're running out of here." I tell the two of them. "One, two-"

Before I even finish the boys drag me along and we swing the bathroom door open and sprint out of Malfoy's dorm, hearing his screams in the distance as we leave. All three of us are in a fit of laughter as we rush our way to the common room.

We leave the Slytherin common room with the cloak still over us and stop in the hallways. George whips the cloak off of us and we stand there panting.

"That was bloody mental." Josh says, holding his head. "I can't believe we saw his willy."

"Oh for god's sake you two. Just call it a dick." I sigh. "I am absolutely traumatised."

"That was the funniest shit ever." George laughs. "I can't wait to see his hair tomorrow."

"What colour did you put in the dye?" Josh asks George.

"You'll see." He smirks.


"Where the hell have you been?" Mattheo asks me, seeming kind of angry as I enter the common room in a good mood.

"Oh I was with George." I say to him and he takes a step closer to me, his eyes darkening.



"You know how bad that looks?" He says to me. "You've only been my girlfriend for a day and you're already on it with the ginger."

"What?" I scoff. "I'm not on it with anyone."

"Well what were you doing with him then?" He raises his brows, lifting his chin up slightly as he looks down at me.

"That's classified. Nothing bad though." I let out a small laugh, thinking about what we had just done.

"I was waiting for you Camila." He says to me.

I completely forgot Mattheo invited me to hang out with his mates in the common room tonight.

"Oh shit, sorry it completely slipped my mind. I just had to do this one thing with George-"

"Bring up the ginger one more time." He says in a threatening tone, and I take step back, my eyes widening in fear.

I can't help it but feel scared.

"Come sit with us Camila." He takes a breath and turns around to head back over to the leather couches by the fire pit.

I spot Blaise, Theo and Enzo. All three of them greet me with a smile as I sit beside Mattheo on one of the empty sofas. He places his hand on my thigh, my eyes locked on his veiny hands against my skin.

"So, how was your date Camila?" Enzo asks excitedly.

"Don't worry, Riddle's told us all about it." Theo says and Mattheo throws a cushion at him.

"He has?" I turn to look at him and he looks back at me, his eyes sparkling somehow.


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