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Currently, we were in that secret hideaway behind the mansion where Sean carried out his mafia-related things, like smothering a man to death. The last memory I have of this place made me shiver but I kept myself focused. An IT expert was sitting between us, working on that chip we found in the necklace for the last two hours diligently.

"It will take me some time to decode this." He finally said.

"How much?" Sean asked threateningly.

"I don't know." The guy's face turned pale as he stared at Sean. "A day. Or two maybe. I can't tell."

"You can stay here until you decode this." Sean responded.

"But I need my tools and my computer setup for that. I'm not comfortable here." The guy, whose name was Ali, replied.

"You can't---"

"Sean," I called his name and nodded at him in reassuring manner. "Let him work. We have wait so much. We can wait some more."

Sean stared at me with doubt. He was anxious to find the contents of that chip and I know he won't sit in silence unless he had figured out whatever truth and proofs that had hidden in it.

To my relief, he stopped terrorizing the poor guy and let him go. Afterwards, we walked out of the hideaway together and made our way towards the house. The weather was pleasant today and I have to admit, the Millers had an excellent gardener. He had decorated the lawn in such a way that nobody could tell it was a gangster's refuge. Instead, it looked like it belonged to a calm artist who loved flowers.

"How can you be so calm?" Sean asked as he found me staring at the flowers.

"What?" I asked in confusion as I saw him observing me with cocked head.

"Aren't you curious to know what's inside that chip?" He asked as he seated himself on a lawn chair and motioned me to sit beside him. I sat down and looked aroud myself. There were Sean's men all around us, making a barrier between us and the outside world. Nobody even dared to give a glance to us.

"Whatever is inside it, my father died for that." I muttered in a low voice.

"Doesn't that make it more worth it?" He asked and I smiled weakly while he looked at me like he was trying to decipher me. "That information may help you avenge his death." he added.

"It won't bring my Dad back." I said, sighing heavily. "And hating you won't bring my Mom back."

A heavy silence fell between us as we both took a deep breath. He tried to speak but everytime he opened his mouth, he closed it immediately, as if he was looking for the right words to say.

"Do you have any questions? About your mother's death?" He finally broke the silence.

"Were you there when she died?" I asked, wrapping my arms around me as a cold breeze grazed my skin.

He took a gulp while his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. I could see the hesitation in his eyes but he answered at last, "Yes. My father, he made me witness his every bad deed since I was 6." There was a slight tremble in his voice and I felt pity on him. What kind of monster does that?

"What happened exactly?" I asked.

"You don't have to listen." He said.

"I want to." I replied.

"I don't remember everything correctly but he..." He took a pause, watching my face with concentration as he struggled to find the right words. "He stabbed her."

My vision started to feel blurry and a wave of nausea hit my stomach. "Why?" I asked.

"Elijah wanted to move away and start a new life with your mother and you. Dad did this to stop him from abandoning the life of crimes." He said softly, moving his chair closer to me, as if to tell me he was there for me.

The Mysterious Mr. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now