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In the morning, I was awakened by the bright light coming through the window, illuminating the whole room. I was the one facing the window so the light was almost blinding me. I tried to sit up to pull the curtains and that’s when I noticed the heavy weight on my waist, weighing me down. As I moved my fingers over the hairy arm, I realized whom it could belong to.

It was Mr. Sean Miller; the mafia, the gangster, the criminal, cuddling with me. At first, I got alarmed but the alarm was soon replaced with a deep blush creeping up my cheeks. His front body was plastered to my back and he was breathing down my neck, the hot air coming from his mouth causing hair to stand on my neck.

I don’t know why but I rolled around in the same position, coming face to face with him. His dark curls were falling on his forehead and his lower lip was jutted out. Who could guess this man sleeping innocently can kill someone with his bare hands?

Maybe it had been such a long time since I had any close human contact, especially male human contact, that I didn’t want to disturb our position. I stared at his face from this close and noticed his long eyelashes, the small beauty mark on his jaw and his unkept beard. Before I could stop, my hand moved on his own and I hugged him back, feeling a weird comfort in his hold. Maybe my periods were close, that would explain why I was feeling so hot and bothered. Or maybe it was due to the fact that he smelled so sexy and masculine that made me want to melt in his hold.

Stop being a horny freak, you piece of shit. My inner voice grimaced.

Despite the protests of my hormones, I realized the voice was right. Gathering myself, I pushed Sean Miller away, an action that caused him to wake up immediately. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked around himself, trying to analyze the situation.

“May I know the reason why you woke me up?” He asked while staring at the wall clock.

“You were on my side of the bed.” I said.

“And?” He asked.

“You were trying to cuddle with me.” I said embarrassingly.

“I don’t cuddle.” He said with a straight face. “Especially not with girls like you.”

“What do you mean by girls like me?” I asked, sitting up straight.

“Those with a stick up their arse.” he said, running his fingers through his messy curls. My nostrils flared as I controlled myself from punching his perfect face.

“Jerk.” I said and hopped off the bed. From my suitcase, I pulled out a pair of shorts and a T-shirt for today. It was going to be a long day and I was not going to let him ruin my mood.


“What are you doing?” Sean Miller asked me in an annoyed voice.

“I am reading.” I replied innocently, not knowing what I had done wrong this time.

“I mean, what are you doing?” He pointed at my legs that I had perched on the headrest of the passenger seat. The position was comfortable as there was minimum stress on my back.

“What’s your problem?” I asked.

“This…” His eyes raked over my bare legs and he gulped. “This is distracting me.”

“From what exactly? I don’t see you doing anything productive.” I asked.

He clenched his jaw when he didn’t find a suitable reply and then shouted at Thomas. “Stop somewhere for lunch. I am hungry.” To be honest, I was hungry too but I didn’t want to tell him as I had a huge sandwich for breakfast.

The Mysterious Mr. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now