Part 3

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The students walked into class, placing their backpacks in the back of the class and sitting in their stools.

The teacher soon followed in behind them, setting her bag down and calling our attention to the front.

"Good evening, class."

The class turned and also greeted her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Valdés"

She smiled as she walked to the board and wrote something down.

"Welcome to your second to last period of the day. We're going to make crêpes today. Please put on your aprons and push your stools under the table. "

The class stood up, doing as instructed and getting out mixing bowls and whisks.

The professor gave us instructions, and we started on the batter.

I was just starting to enjoy class when something wet hit the back of my head, seeping into my hair.

I touched the back of my head, and there was a thick and sticky substance in it.

I looked at my hand, and it was the batter for the crêpes.

Just then, I heard Andrew and Nicholas giggling.

I turned around and picked up my bowl before walking towards him.

My group partner looked at me shocked, so I went back and poured a bit of it into a separate container for him before walking back over to Andrew with the bowl.

I dumped it on his head, and he shouted furiously.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

I looked at him irritated.

"Well, if you didn't want it in your hair, you shouldn't have flung it into mine. Common sense, Andrew."

The teacher walked over to us to see what the commotion was about, and she looked angry.

¿Qué sucede contigo? Desperdiciar comida así, ¿estás loco? ¡Ve a la oficina del director, ahora!

- Which means: What's wrong with you? Wasting food like that, are you crazy? Go to the principal's office now! -

Vince and Luca started laughing, and she yelled at them, too.

"Is something funny? You two can join them up in the office. Vamos!"

They both stopped laughing and immediately frowned before getting up and grabbing their bags.

"Zac... you too."

He looked up nonchalantly, like he always does, and she smiled at him.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mijo. I just want you to make sure they get there with no issues. I'll write you a pass, okay?

We all made our way to the office, and when we walked in, Ms. Chen was there getting a coffee, and she looked at me and sighed.

"(再次?..)" -Meaning: Again?.. -

She looked over and saw Andrew and the other boys.

"Of course...come on, all six of you.."

We all walked into her office, and she shut the door.

Me and Andrew were asked to sit in the seats, and the rest of them stood in the back against the wall.

"Alright, this is ridiculous. You two are always being called up here because you can't get along."

"This is the second time today, and you get another detention. I'm sure you're aware that two detentions in one week mean I have to call home.."

She looked at me with a sorrowful expression before asking another question.

"You are aware of that, right?"

I nodded slowly because I did, in fact, know, but it wasn't really my fault. It's not like I asked him to torment me every second of every day.

But, overall, I should've just not reacted like that. So it is kind of my fault, too.

"I'm required to come up with a solution for you two, so for the next month, you two have to go everywhere together."

"Every time you go out of your house, you have to go with each other. If you see one another outside of school, you have to go with each other, even if it means just walking one home."

"And you will also hang out at school. If you fail to do so, or get sent to the office again before that month is up, Andrew, you will be kicked off the boxing team, and Vivian, you will fail two of your classes."


We nodded in shock.

"That includes you boys as well, especially you, Nicholas."

He rolled his eyes.

"Sure, whatever..."

Ms. Chen looked up at Zac and frowned, a bit confused.

"Zac? Why are you up here?"

He handed her the slip that Mrs. Valdés gave him, and she smiled before nodding.

"I see. Well, then I'll ask you to also supervise them through the month. Make sure they follow the rules."

He nodded in agreement, and Nicholas nudged his arm a bit.

"(Seriously man?)"

Zac just looked at him and shrugged with that expressionless face of his.

You could just feel the urge to punch him flowing from Nicholas.

"Well then, Vivian, Andrew, I'll be calling your parents. You're all excused."

The boys walked out of the office, and I followed after them.

Ms. Chen called my name, and I turned around. She handed me a slip of paper.

"If I could, I wouldn't call your father, but unfortunately, I have to. Here's my number. I'm not allowed to do this, but I feel I can make an acception just once."

She smiled as she handed me the slip of paper.

"If you need anything, Vivian, anything at all, do not hesitate to call me, okay?"

I nodded, and put the paper into my bag before heading back to class.

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