Hot days (Vessel)

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Summary: Vessel cares about your health

III, IV and you are standing in front of a small building. The two masked men are stepping from one leg to the other. You wonder why. Today is such a hot day, you prefer to move as little as possible.

'They are excited that's why they are doing this' you think to yourself. They're performing at a big festival today.

Suddenly, arms painted black wrap around you and pull you against a hard chest. Cold metal from a chain cools your back. "How are you love?" A deep voice asks you.

You lift your head and look over your shoulder. Vessel looks down at you, smiling. He is wearing his white mask. "I'm fine."

He leans down to you and nestles his head against yours. "Have you had enough to drink?"

"I don't know."

He turns you around, you look at his black chest. "It's really warm today. Have another drink then." He says worriedly. "Promise me!" You nod.

"Answer me Y/N." His fingers touch your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye.

"I promise."

"Good." He leans toward you and gently kisses your lips. You stand on your tiptoes to reach him better. He pulls away.

"Really sweet how you care for her Vessel." Says lll. You clearly hear jealousy in his voice.

You disengage from his arms and turn around. The sun burns in your eyes, you squint them. "Do I hear jealousy?"

Vessel chuckles softly and stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you.

III replies. "No. I think you guys are really cute." He tries to be nice, but his angry tone is hard to hide.

Vessel stares at him angrily, then looks at you. "Does the sun bother you babe? You're squinting your eyes like that." His hands slip just below your chest.

"Yeah but I'm fine."

"Wait." He loosens his arms and stands in front of you, shielding and protecting you from the sun with his large body.

You see him in his stage outfit for the first time today. He looks good as always. The hood of his black robe covers his hair. His jeans are wrapped with a ribbon on his lower legs. A golden chain dangles around his neck.

Finally, you stare at his black-painted chest. The sweat only accentuates his abs.

He holds his hand out to you. "Y/N would you rather take a picture? It'll last longer." Your gaze roams up to his face. He grins cheekily under his mask. You blush.

"I already have enough of them. But thanks for the offer." You answer playfully and take his hand. You're pretty sure he's blushing under the paint.

IV laughs next to you, "We didn't want to know."

Vessel looks at you. You can't break his gaze. Is he angry now because you exposed him to the others? Or does he not mind?

He just looks at you. You feel his cold rings as he squeezes your hand. His thumb slowly circles the back of your hand.

You grin at IV. "You're just jealous."

Vessel pulls on your hand. His eyes signal you to stop. You look down at your entwined hands.

For a moment, no one says anything until Vessel clears his throat. "Where's II?" He looks around and moves. The sun blinds you. Immediately, he places himself in front of you again.

"He's exploring." Answers III. Vessel nods.

"Babe?" He releases his hand from yours and holds it out to you. You look at him questioningly and stand in front of him. He strokes your cheek with his thumb, caressing it. You lean into his touch.


"You're okay?" He asks, concerned.

"Yes. It's just the heat." You put your hand on his.

"You need to drink more."

You sigh. "I will in a minute."

"Do you want me to get you something? Do you want a water?"

"I'm alright. Don't worry." You reassure him.

He nods. You tilt your head and kiss his wrist. He smiles faintly and cups your face. He gently kisses your lips. Your nose grazes his mask, making it harder to kiss him.

Between two kisses, he says. "I just love you so much." He pulls away from you.

"I love you too."

His hand tangles in your hair. You snuggle against his chest. He cradles you in his arms. "Please never leave me." He whispers against your hair.

"I won't." You murmur against his chest. At the same time, you're sure you have black paint on your body by now.

He kisses your forehead. Then he pulls away. "You've got some paint there." He tries to wipe the paint off your face with his thumbs.

"I'll wash it off later." You say with a smile.

"No don't do that. That way everyone knows you're mine."

You laugh and shake your head.

Eventually you talk with III and IV, later joined by II.

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