Check Up (slight 🍋)

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I'm not a doctor and I don't think that you'd do that after someone got kidnapped, but Juliet is simply a bit overprotective.
I'll try to make this not too complicated so that everyone understands it. (so no medical names and stuff)

-Marys Pov-

I still looked at Juliet blushing a bit. "Milady, with all that really necessary....?" I tryed to convince her not to do such an exam with me.

She couldn't know but lately I felt pretty bad about myself. Not only my strechmarks but about some unclean skin on my shoulders and back as well.
And I haven't even shaved any part of my body, since the maiddress didn't show to much of it.

"Mary. Dear, I said i'll do it. You're still a maid in this castle so know your place. It won't hurt, and its only for your best..." She said and looked me dead in the eyes.

I gulped and nodded. I knew better than to talk back at Mistress for more than one time. But I still wasn't comfortable showing myself so vulnerable...
I did had some wounds from being tied up in that basement or whatever it was.

I stopped thinking about it when i hear Mistress sigh. "At least tell me why this exam bothers you so much..."

I looked at her...not knowing how to respond. "I just don't feel comfortable...."
I looked at her happy that she at least cared to ask what made me uncomfortable. But aware that she'll exam me anyways.

"Don't worry....just tell me when something is wrong or hurts..." Was all she said in a rather calming voice.

I nodded and she started the exam. "I'll first put on a pair of gloves. And then we'll start with a short cranial nerve exam." With that she puts on some blue gloves and moves a bit closer to my face.
Before taking a little pencil light and holding it in front of my face.
"Follow the light with your eyes, please..."

With that she moved it first to the bottom, then to the left, and up.
I had no trouble following it at all.

Next she took out some lenses and held them over my eye. "Dear, what does this lense do?" She asked, and looked at me.
"It makes everything look pink" was my answer and she took the next one.
"And this one?" She asked and i took a few senconds to respond. "Nothing, Milady. Everything looks normal"

She seemed happy with my answers so far. "Okay, let's move onto you're ears."

She takes out a tuning fork and carefully slaps it against her wrist making it vibrate a bit. She moves it to the left side of my ear. "Can you hear that?" She asked.

"Yes, Milady." I answerd and she moved to the other side. Now with a quiet tone. "and this?" Again I said 'yes'
"My ears are fine Milady, why wouldn't they be?" I said looking at her calmly.

"You're right. Just one more test for your smelling and taste..." She said and took out some oils.

"What does this smell like?" She asked while holding a little bottle under my nose. "Mint, Milady "

"Great and this one?" She took another little bottle. "This smells Like Vanilla, Milady " I answered.

Lastly she took a little pipette and put two little drops of liquid on my tongue. "Does this taste sweet or soure dear?"

"Its soure Milady" I answerd, hoping it would be the last part of the exam.

"Great now to some other tests...." She took out a stethoscope and looked at me.
I knew that she'll have to take off my shirt for the next few tests and nodded blushing. Since i was in pyjamas I wasn't wearing a bra underneith which made this situation a bit embarassing for me.

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