More than a apology...

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I'll be gone for some time, since i'm finally going back to greece.
So this might be the last chapter for a month or so.
(If I find a place to write i'll still update this but until then, this might be a 'to be continued' i'll try to make this a longer chapter ≈1800 words


-Mary Pov-

I heard the door open, but it was already to late. I tryed to put the showerhead back to make it look like i'm doing something else, but judging from Mistress's expression, she knew exactly what I was doing.

The good feeling from before was replaced with embarresment and shame.
I looked away and turned off the shower.
I felt tears build up in the corner of my eyes and some soft sobs escaped my lips.

I expected her to scream at me, be disgusted by me doing something like this after we were so close together.

But she didn't say anything. It was quiet, my sobs were the only noise around.
I looked back at the door expecting Juliet to be gone, but all i saw was her coming closer. She kneeled down besides me and layed a hand on my back.

"I'm sorry dear. I should have knocked...." Was all she said while looking down. I didn't react, and only hugged my knees closer to my chest. Trying to cover my body as best as possible.

Shortly after that she stood up and left the room.

Was she angry? Upset? Or did she just want to give me some space?

-Juliet Pov-

Oh great, now I've messed up. I can forget my confession now.

"Uuhhhggg... What did i even expected just walking in without knocking?!" I say to myself.

"Is something Mistress? You seem upset ..." I hear Lillys voice behind me.
"Its nothing Lilly, just a bad timing...." I answer not wanting to give away information about, what happened.

"Is Mary doing better at least?" She asked still looking concerned.
I turned around glaring at her, not wanting to talk about Mary or what happened. But she took it the wrong way.

"Oh....I thought she is doing better by now..." She said sadly while turning around.
I grab her shoulder and turn her back. "Its not that Lilly. Mary is fine, and she's awake. I just don't want to talk about her...." I sigh..."....I messed up...."

She looked at me curiously and hoped for am explanation. But I only shake my head. "Not now Lilly....let's just say, confessing is not really possible for now..."
That were the last things i said before leaving quickly.

How will I make up for this?...

-Marys Pov-

After an hour or so i hear my door open. It was lunchtime and i was sitting on my bed, reading a book.
I still was embarresed about what happened and didn't even want to look at who came in, afraid that it was Mistress.

"Mary?" I hear a soft voice call my nickname. It wasn't Mistress's voice so looked Up from the pages of my book. It was Lilly, for the first time in my life I was really happy to see her.

"Hello Lilly..." I said while looking at her smiling. She smiled back and bowed slightly. "Can I come in?" She asked politely, seemingly still a bit scared that I don't like her.

"Yes, of course. And please ,don't bow, i'm not Mistress or anything." I answered a bit taken back by the way she treats me.

She stepped in and looked at me. "Are you feeling okay?". I didn't know why she asked but i nodded slowly. "Yes, quite good actualy. "

Yes, Mistress (old)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora