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Tomorrow has to be one of the days I have been trying so hard to avoid, and it's not because I don't like celebrating my birthday because I do but because I know my parents are going to forget and I don't know if they have memory lost or if their brain just doesn't work eighty percent of the time

I haven't really spoke about my birthday to anyone, not even Avery and I'm surprised she hasn't asked me about it yet not even slender man has asked me and I'm surprised because that asshat likes to annoy me too much

"Earth to Fifi!" Michael shouts, at me right next to me ear causing me to flinch back and cover my ear

"What the fuck Michael, you don't yell into someone's ear" I said, as I look at Avery next to me to see her covering her mouth trying not to laugh

I glare at her, which makes her stop and glares at me back

"Don't glare at me, bitch we've been trying to get your attention for the past hour" Avery said, as she gestures to Michael and her

"And everyone is looking at me like am crazy, but someone had to be in fucking la la land" Michael whines, as he takes a sip of his drink

"Alright, alright calm down assholes" I said

Avery and Michael start talking about the boys games coming up next week and how he wants us to go to every single one, and how he'll buy us coffee everyday-- of course we said yes, I grabbed my phone to see a message from Aria

Aria: "We need to talk"

"About what?"

Aria: " We just, feel like you don't text or call us anymore and I know you're busy with school and everything but a little update message would be good"

"Update? Wtf do you mean, I shouldn't be one who has to contact you guys and if I remember correctly you guys got distant with me, not the other way around"

Aria: " Not really, Soph we've always been there for you"

I let out a chuckle

"Been there for me, my ass you guys were never there for me on my birthday, never there to comfort me when I was with Marcus, never there for me when I would come home with bruises and bloody, all you guys told me was to be defend myself and leave him... that to me is not being there for me"

Aria: "Don't be so dramatic, Sophia"



"Really leaving me on read?"

I turn off, my phone with a sigh before bringing back my attention to Ave's and Mich's conversation, laughing at how Michael was in disbelieve on how she never tried Molly Moon Ice Cream

"I've never, tried Molly Moon Ice cream what's the big deal?" I told Michael, as he stopped mid sentence and turned to look at me with a shocked looked before faking to faint and falling down into the grass making Avery laugh

"God, me and Gar need to take you girls out more often you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days" Michael said, as he stood up and helping Avery stand before helping me up as well

"Well guys, I'll see you later I got to head to class right now and if I'm late Mrs. Lopez is going to kill me" I said, as I hug Avery and Michael before I head over to class and I already miss my bed

After, what felt like hours of Mrs. Lopez explaining the new lesson and telling the same old story of how her and her husband met, I finally got to go home

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