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After we came back last night from our cliff view of the city, I couldn't sleep I mean yeah sounds cliché ass fuck but Sophia is different-good different

It's now the next day, and I'm making breakfast for us and when I say us-that means Micheal as well and ever since Sophia became my roommate the fucker always has to be here

"Good morning neighbor! Whose ready to party!!" Michael shouted, as he walked in with a a six pack of beer

"Micheal, it's ten in the fucking morning" I say, as I finish making the last bat h of pancakes and placing them on the table as Sophia does god knows what in her room

"It's noon somewhere out there right?-anyways where my bestie?" Michael said, as he placed the beer on the fridge and looked around the room

"I'm right in front of you, asshole" I say, as I flick his forehead and walk past him

"I meant my nice bestie, not the grumpy one" He said, as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down

"I'm not grumpy" I mumbled under my breath, as Sophia came out of her room and yelled when she saw Michael

"Micheal!! I thought you died, I haven't heard from you!" She yelled, as she hugged Micheal and came towards me before flicking my forehead like I did to Michael

"Ow-what was that for?" I tell her, as I hand her hers and Micheals plate

"Nothing, I just felt like flicking your forehead" She said, as she turned around and handed Michael his plate and sat down next to him

"Well little Fifi, I've been busy with hockey practice unlike Garrett here and well I've been hanging out with Avery...that is until she said I was annoying her and ordered me to go back home" Michael said, as he shoved a piece of pancake into his mouth and turned to look at us with a smile

"Yeah right, I practice just as hard as you do" I say, as I give Sophia her coffee from Starbucks I got her early in the morning

I just woke up at six in the morning, and decided to get Sophia coffee and I might've gotten Michael a coffee as well because I felt bad not like he deserved it the mother fucker went MIA, thought he died before he texted me saying he was alive and breathing

I gave Micheal, his coffee as he looks at me with a shocked look before looking at me and then at Sophia before looking at me again "Who are you, and what did you do to Garrett motherfucking Jones?" Michael said, as he slowly took the coffee out of my hands making Sophia laugh as she took sips from her coffee

"Fuck off, and eat before I pour that coffee on your head" I said, before sitting down at the end of the table

"That's the Garrett I know, I missed you bae" Michael said, before taking a bite out of the pancakes

Rolling my eyes, I start eating my food

"I swear, ya'll argue like a married couple sometimes makes me feel like I'm third wheeling" Sophia said, as she got up and washed her dishes and started cleaning the kitchen

"I'll clean up, don't worry about it--" I was cut off, by Sophia tossing a rag hitting me in my face

"Shut up" She said

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