Family Homebound

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I was in the kitchen cleaning up from last night as I heard a knock at the door. I walked from the kitchen to the front bare in mind it's only me home which is pretty scary.

I opened up the door and the smile that grew onto my face while I jumped into Fernando's arms. "Ahhh I can't actually believe you're here!" I squeal hugging him then looking to my aunt and uncle.

"Though why are you here?" I add. "Well we found out about your illness and we decided to move back home." I pouted a little letting go of Fernando. "You done this for me." She smiles with a nod. "Of course."

Another smile grew onto my lips taking a step back. "We'll come inside! The boys are out they'll be home in about a hour. Oh and Emmie is with Pablo's family." They walked inside and into the living room.

"So Macie how have you been? Really?" I sat down with them holding a cushion to my stomach and smiling a little. "Recently i've been well. Everything's just go going the way I want it to." I explain.

This leaves a smile on my aunts face as she takes my hands into her own. "I'm happy for you." She says. "Well where'd the playstation." Fern asks. "In front of you dip shit." He glares at me then laughed.

Around an hour later as I said the boys walked in the door Pablo walking towards me kissing my lips as he usually did when he got home. "hi" I smiled as he pulled off then looked towards Pedri's family. "Goodness! I didn't even see you! Hi!!"

I loved the relationship Pablo had with my family and Pedri's as they knew him before I did. He gave them all a hug each before Pedri walked in and gasped. "Mama, Papa!" He yelled as he then hugged them all then basically jumped onto Fernando.

"I can't believe you're all here! But why?" He asked sitting down next to me while Pablo unpacks the shopping in the kitchen. "Well we heard about Macie so we thought it was best if we come home." They say.

Though Pedri hated hearing about my situation i'm sure he's glad their home. So we all had dinner and things before Emmie got home with Aurora and Javi. "Mummy!!!!" She ran inside and gasped seeing Fernando.

"NANDO!!" She yelled running towards him as he picked her up with a laugh. "Hello Midget. I missed you." I walked to Aurora giving her a hug. "Hey Macie." She says hugging me back. "I'm okay, you?" I pulled off and smiled. "I'm good, she was an angel today."

I chuckled a little watching her with Fern. "She loves spending time with you guys." I say. "There's my big sister with my devil child." I laugh as Pablo comes behind me. "Let me guess. Fernando." He adds turning to look towards Emmie and Fern. "Yup." I say.

He hugs his sister as they both have a little conversation together while I walked upstairs to make up the guest rooms as they don't actually have a home yet. I fixed up the beds and the little guest baskets with their bathrooms.

I helped them up to their rooms with their things with the help from Pablo and Pedri. We then said our quick goodbyes to Aurora and Javi then I got Emmie upstairs into her pyjamas ready for bed after i'd given her some toast.

Pablo and her have been into the reading a book situation recently before bed and I find it really soothing and cute to watch them read together while I fix up the house and do my motherly duties with the help by Pedri.

"Thank you." I say as we finish up the dishes. "It's no problem, i'm happy their home." He says. "Yeah. Me too." I just smile then we walk back up the stairs though I go to collapse again but Pedri holds me steady so I wouldn't blackout. "I've got you."

I took a deep breath and smiled a little to him as we got back up. Pablo was standing at Emmie's room door closing it gently then looking towards us with a gentle smile appearing against his lips. "She's asleep out cold." He says. "Goodnight P." I say opening my room door.

"Goodnight Mais. Goodnight Pablo Gavira." He smirked before running back into his bedroom so quickly. "I'm gonna kill him." I laughed a little as we both went into the room getting ourselves ready for bed.

I decided to do my skin care as I haven't done it in awhile but it also gets Pablo so impatient because he wants to sleep but he what's me there for him gong to sleep. "Mi Amor please hurry." I laughed a little rubbing in some moisturiser. "Darlin go to sleep i'm only here."

He shook his head and huffed. "No." Honestly he is so moody when it comes to doing thing alone. I eventually finished my skin care then got into bed his arm throwing right over me and pulling me closer to him. "Better." I chuckled then closed my eyes falling asleep.


just a small chapter tonight

i'm so tired for once and i don't know what else to write

love you all


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