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Macie, I'm here where are you?" I heard her voice while I drank my water still trying to progress how Pablo has my number because Pedri giving a boy my number was and has been the last thing he has ever done. "The kitchen!!"

Laila walked through and into the kitchen standing at the doorway with a large smile onto her face her eyes on her phone before pointing it at me. "Pablo fricking Gavi???? He liked and commented on your post!!!!" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I just spent at least 12 hours with him altogether. No big deal." I shrugged as I rinsed out my cup placing it to the side. "No big deal?" She basically screamed those words. "Pablo is literally one of the worlds prettiest men" Is he? Honestly, he's pretty an all but the world's prettiest?

"If you think that about him, I can give you his number he literally just called me before you came through those doors." I then picked up my phone and smiled passing it towards her with his number on the screen.

"No absolutely not, this is your chance to finally fall in love with a man and your career Macie." I raised my brow taking my phone back to save his number as 'Gavira' because I'm sure he will adore it. "He calls me by my last name, who does that."

"Maybe he's flirting with you or getting you ready for football. I already bought tickets for your game on Sunday and the boy's game on Saturday." Laila always had her stuff planned way down the line, but it's why we're best friends because she keeps me in line.

"Come on let's watch a movie or something and order food hm?" She nods and makes her way to my living room with me just trailing behind. We sat down onto the sofa Laila grabbed the remote turning on the tv as I ordered us pizza from my phone.

Laila and I watched three movies by the time my father came home with Pedri also. I turned to the two of them raising my brow at Pedri. "Why are you here?" He laughed and came over towards my ruffling my hair. "My parents are away to Greece, so you're stuck with me for a good two weeks." 

I sighed along with a facepalm and then a small laugh left my lips. "Means you can take me to training tomorrow." He nodded then sat down next to me and Laila as my father made his way up stairs. "Pablo and I arraigned to watch you anyway, so you have no choice."

"You what?" I groaned as Laila laughed beside me. "Perfect" she says. I'm going to cry right now. "Why'd you give Pablo my number??" Pedri looked down at me with a confused look on his face taking his phone from his pocket.

"I didn't why? Did he call you?" He opened his phone and looked at his recent apps and a groan leaves his lips as he taps something and walks away with the phone to his ear.

      Pedri's POV

He took my baby cousins number from my phone; I give nobody her number because she deserves the best of the best and Pablo's known as that pretty boy so how in any way do I know he won't leave her?

I had the phone up my ear waiting for him to pick up as he did, he said Pedri what's up? I sighed as I leant against the doorway of the kitchen taking a breather. "Why did you take Macie's number from my phone without asking me??"

I heard a sigh come from his lips "Because I knew if I asked, you'd say no. Pedri I want to get to know her and I promise I won't hurt her." Was all he had to say. This boy better be for real or he's dead. "Mm Okay." He sounded confused at how I agreed and then we said our goodbyes and he ended the call.

Pablo's POV

Bye was the last thing he said to me as we ended the call, I shit myself when he called but I'm more shocked he agreed to me talking to Macie. Macie is pretty she is a lot that other girls aren't. I've never been interest in love, relationships but something with her seems magical.

I get to watch her train tomorrow well that's if Pedri allows me to still go after that but in other words I'm more excited to see her again. I don't want him to tell her I find her pretty an all I want her to find out everything by me or through herself.

I placed my phone down onto my bedside table taking my training top over my head chucking it into my washing basket at the corner of my room. I walked into my bathroom turning of the shower then looking into the mirror splashing cold water over my sweaty hair and face. 

I stepped into the shower as the warm water ran down my body, I relaxed into it closing my eyes for a few seconds before I began washing my hair and my body.

I got out the shower wrapping a towel around my waist walking towards my table picking up my phone again wondering if I should message her. I did.

Macie's POV

Laila left around an hour later after trying to make Pedri get Pablo and I together, It didn't work like I told her it was a lost cause and I didn't want a relationship. I hugged her just before she left then I turned to Pedri. "What was said on the phone?"

Pedri laughed and shook his head as we started walking upstairs together. "You do want him." He laughed again and I rolled my eyes as I walked into my room. "No I dont." He smirked and then laughed once more. "He said he took it because if he asked I would've said no. Which is correct."

I was laying in my bed with Pedri at my door frame giving me his whole talk on how trainings going to be we laughed at a few points but then his face goes all serious again making me laugh more. "Right, I'm off to bed get some sleep you have things to do." I nodded and smiled as I said goodnight.

Pedri walked out of my room closing my door then that's when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and my eyes widened. Pablo?


Goodnight Garcia. I'll see you tomorrow.

Goodnight Gavira.

Of course, I replied honestly, I'd be silly not to it is Gavi for all sakes. He annoys me I see him too much now him and Pedri are like brothers they both annoy me, and I see them both too much though it's been two days it feels like the past seventeen years of my life.

I placed my phone down on my table and I turned over to fall asleep. I couldn't he was all I could think of.

My Football Heart - Pablo GaviDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora