I'm Staying Out Of This One

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I peered down at a quiet Karter who looked almost sickeningly guilty of something that made me feel like I had committed a terrible action along with her. What did she do?

"Karter, answer me," I said, clearly growing impatient by the uneasiness laced in my tone.

Karter let out a deep sigh, "I took a body shot off a girl—"

"You what?" I asked, caught completely off guard by the new information.

I mean she didn't technically cheat, but the idea of her doing something like that definitely didn't sit right with me. Still, a body shot wasn't nearly as bad as what I was thinking.

Karter reached for my hand, but I only pulled it away, causing her to say, "I'm sorry, it was a dare and—"

"Where did you take the shot from?" I asked, feeling my words rush out anxiously. I don't care if it was a dare or not, it still made me feel uncomfortable—especially since I wasn't there.

I could somehow justify a body shot... I could.

I just wish I was at least there.

Karter looked away from my eyes as she said, "Her chest..." she trailed off, easily making me stand from the bed.

She took a shot from a girl's chest? How... how is that not completely inappropriate when you have a girlfriend?

"Sloan, I'm sorry. Please don't leave," Karter said, her words slurring together as she looked up at me.

I shook my head a few times, trying to calm myself down—but even I knew after calming down, I still couldn't sleep beside her tonight. Not only did she disregard my boundaries but she also took a shot from a girl's chest. No way could I just move past that right now. I needed time to really calm down from what she's just done.

I backed out of the room carefully, "I-I'll just come to bed later," I lied, knowing that drunk Karter was only going to make a bigger deal out of this, and I knew she definitely wasn't in the mindset to have a discussion about how she just fucked up right now.

Karter frowned, "You will?"

I pursed my lips, nodding as I said, "Yes... just later," I forced out, opening the door behind me before exiting the room completely. The quicker I got out of there the better.

As soon as I made it out into the living area, I noticed Cher and Davis still standing at the kitchen island playing Jenga, however, when they noticed my presence, they both turned around completely.

Cher's brows furrowed almost immediately, sliding off the tall barstool, "What happened? What did she do?" she asked, walking over to me with Davis who was now following behind her.

I shook my head, feeling my face grow unbearably warm with embarrassment—hating Karter's behavior these past few weeks.

It all feels like it's catching up with me.

"She... we talked earlier, she said she wasn't going to get drunk anymore," I forced out, hating the hot tears growing in my eyes.

Cher frowned, pulling me into a hug, "I'm sorry, Lo—maybe it's a misunderstanding?"

"Yeah, the frats really go hard at parties, you know?" Davis said, trying to help me feel better about it, but there was no way in hell, I'd feel even relatively okay with all of this.

I felt warm tears slide down my cheeks, clinging onto Cher as she said, "And that includes taking boob shots from a random girl?" I forced out, feeling my insides burn with irritation—irritated that Karter felt like that was even okay to do. Irritated that another girl got her to do a shot off of her.

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