Chapter Five

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Calliope's Pov
The low dull ache to my core was what had awaken me. That and the very loud shifting around of bodies moving in and around the huge room. The harsh screeching of the curtains flinging open had me tossing my arm over my face a little. A sleepy whine leaving from my lips in a quiet manner.

"Time to get up your majesty." With one quick motion I had removed my arm from my face, blinking around rapidly adjusting.  Before I was patting at the large blankets around the bed. It was indeed empty like I was expecting. The warmth of George and hearing his boyish sleepy giggles from behind me had already been missed like crazy in my mind.

With another sleepy stretch my hands buried inside my messy hair, watching Brimsley who stared at me from across the room with a simple smile.

"Ugh kill me already Brimlsey I'm exhausted."

"I'm having a bath prepared as we speak my queen."

The first few days felt like a ticking time bomb of my madness going to explode. It was a little awkward when I would see books, I fancied how quick there were men grabbing the books and helping me stack them.

I was like a doll for eyes to see, different dresses, different style for my hair. I was walking around like a mad man missing my husband. I knew no one here expect for my sister and I was starting to get lonely at every dinner when I was alone.

I know George required some time to himself but before long I was gonna sleep all day in the gardens near the large pools. "Your majesty... His king has a gesture in the main hall for you." I briefly shut the book for a moment, looking away from the moving words looking at Brimsley who was all but serious. I nibbled at my lower lip wondering what it could possibly be.

"It could be about me coming to Kew worried about him.. He seemed beyond overwhelmed." With more little whispers underneath my breath, I grabbed at the light pink dresses following after my right hand through the massive halls ranking my head for everything possible.

What I was not expecting was the cutest looking dog I had ever seen in a basket with a little bow around its neck. My eyes grew wide with a soft laugh turning back to face Brimsley who was nodding with a faint smile.

"Is that a dog?" My voice grew loud in surprise walking over to the guard. I picked up the slightly medium size white dog holding it in my arms in awe, slightly bouncing them.

"Yes my queen.. It's a full bred poodle European I heard." Another small laugh left me rubbing across its head in awe, kissing all over the top of his quick like keeping him in my arms and grips.

"I've only ever seen them in picture books.. It's so beautiful tell my husband I said thank you." I said through my giggles cradling the dog much closer, it seemed both men sighed in unison in relief.

"She's so innocent like the king said she just finds the little joys..."

With my new found fluff never leaving my arms, the loneliness only last slightly while I babied talked to Rose, that was her new name. If she was being walked behind me, she was being carried through the halls and fast asleep on one side of the large bed.

"Brimsley? You said I have sisters in waiting yes?" I turned around to face the slightly frantic male.  He jumped back quickly, clearing his throat a couple times looking around before nodding with a small smile.

"You do your majesty but you are on honeymoon and shall be for a week.  It's not wise to seek anyone outside until it is over." I nodded a couple times nibbling at my lower lip again.

"Brimsley if I am not to have the company of my husband right now because he is busy, nor am I allowed to have parties or go anywhere excuse my attitude but I'm going mad." I sighed heavy like passing Rose off to his arms allowing for him to gather her up in his arms keeping her close.

"If I were to trust someone not to speak words about my slight.. Sadness which ladies in waiting which you say?" He looked to be in thought before answering without a single other thought.

"Lady Charlotte.. Recently she just moved here with her brother she's quite.. What I think you need in a friend blunt and funny, as well are your sister." I chewed more at my lip before spinning around nodding my head.

"Send for word to Lady Charlotte and my sister for tea time. No arguing that's final."

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