Chapter Two

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Calliope's Pov
My lungs were clinging onto the last bit of freedom they had. I felt like a pampered pooch. All my hair had been styled up into pinned like curls, the fanciest dress was pulled for this occasion. The best of makeup and jewel. The large carriage bumping against the road.

"This is absurd, who wears these many layers on a dress sister? I can hardly breath and we haven't even arrived yet. There dresses are so.." I trailed off watching the way Agatha waved her fan in front of her face a few times to dismiss the heat away from her with a small chuckle.

"Fashion forward? Yes but it's too late to deny them now. I already agreed if you are suitable the wedding happens all in one day.  Can you believe that? They'll send invitations and my own husband will have reason to pounce on me with no warning." She made a parted disgusted face, looking out the window with a chuckle.

"Trying to plant me with his massive child again." A rolled out laugh shook from my chest sitting up the best my ability in the leather red seats.

"Oh how wonderful maybe I'll get a niece this time.. Agatha what do you know of his Majesty?" Her fan stopped for a moment as she fluttered her eyes fast like in confusion.

"He's quite quiet actually, I thought they would have already found a bride for him here in England which is why I was confused at the letter. But just be yourself and I'm sure everyone will love you, you are kind, funny a little heads in the clouds but they will love you like our whole family does I promise you." She flashed me a smile grabbing my hand to hold and squeeze at it tightly shaking it in place.

"Don't stress your mind about it." It felt like it was more easier said than done giving her hand a squeeze. All the ladies in my books could handle this with grace and figure. Why was I freaking out on the inside.

A swirl of uncertainty landed before me. Holding my arms out for this women to examine me. Grasping at my hips and sliding her folded fan up across my breast and chest. Princess Augusta. "Really beautiful figure, the hips alone many babies... Which is great. A little too brown though." She was whispering to herself as she stood back up grabbing at my face to tilt my head in one direction, before the other.

"Beautiful eyes.. Have you had your first bleed?" I shifted my eyes over to Agatha for the deepest bit of help. She rolled her hands quickly mouthing be yourself with a little expression.

"Uhm yes ma'am I had it when I was fifteen and it's comes every month." She released my hand with a quick look of sharpness in her eyes, before she backed away.

"We have the perfect dress already made for you, in tradition of our house. I know you more a custom to the more European style of dresses. He will be very much pleased." She gave me one final smile and a head now before her and a few of the guards left the room. I felt unsuffocated as Agatha rushed over to me with a smile standing near me.

"I think that went well don't you agree?" I lifted my hand up to wave it in front of my hand fast like.

"I felt like she was the devil looking into my eyes. The stare of that woman could kill birds." We both shared a soft laugh with one another before she was squeezing at my upper shoulders. A few times.

Time seemed to move by a blur with my eyes. I stood outside the large windows as the large white and lace gown was secured around my body. I winced slightly as my hair was taken down from the pins and jewels.

"Brimsley? I see all the guest are arriving all in short notice.. May I please ask you since you are five paces behind me.  Why does no one talk about the king? I hear the same things. He's handsome, he's tall. He works hard for his nation but I don't hear what he likes. What he does in his freetime. I'm not asking about the king himself I'm asking about him as a person you guys speak like he is gonna eat me." I turned my head to the side to the look over at the young male standing a guard by the door way.

"Uhm.. I could not say my queen.. My duty is to follow you at all times. Just like he has his own as well. We should be heading down soon, I see even more guests arriving." With a vague answer had me sweaty through my dress. I need just a minute to myself.

Everyone was rushing around the palace to get things in order that it was easy for me to slip away Brimsley's wandering eyes finding its way to look at the large garden scrubs build so hard like.

I held the edge of the dress my white heels tapping across the narrow sidewalk, in a slight movement placing my hand on one of my hips. So many flowers all so calming all at once.

"What are you doing out here?" I didn't turn away from the pink flowers bustling through the winds, speaking in a calm tone hoping my voice was shaking.

"I needed some air... I feel like I am gonna pass out with all the hands touching me, and all faint. Me to be a queen? It sounds a little strange on my tongue. I know the king will dislike me at some point or will get along very much. I just needed some air everyone speaks as if he is gonna eat me alive." The man let a soft laugh out from behind me, hearing him getting closer to me with each step.

"They make him sound like a monster now don't they? Tell me do his looks matter to you?" It was my turn to look confused at the flowers some more.

"I care more if he treats me like a person than anything else. Not just a breeding tool." I spun around. My breath hitching as I was eye level with a male of handsome virtue. A crooked smile was flashed my way, before my hand was being reached out picking up.

"It's nice to meet you my queen.." My jaw almost dropped in preparation as I gazed into the deep brown of his eyes.

"Your majesty." I tipped my head down gently strands of my hair flying to my face, before watching the way his hand shot out to stop my head from fully going to a bow, cradling at the side of my face.

"Hello Calliope, and no just George. I'm just George." A faint smile grew on my face as I moved head down again, gently squeezing at his hand even more slowly.

"Am I too brown for your liking your majesty?"

"You are more beautiful than I imagined."

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