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Ch 37: Blake

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"Yes," I heard him reply before closing the door behind him with a soft click.

I watched the tall shadow move as he stepped away from the door to make his way across the room. As he approached, the small lamp finally began to illuminate his figure, casting shadows across his sharp features as he regarded me. Our eyes met briefly before his gaze fell down to my thigh.

"Can I help?" Vorian asked, moving to kneel before my leg.

"I can do it myself."

Vorian glanced up at me. "Believe me, I know you are more than capable, but I would like to assist you. That is, if you would allow me."

"Besides, if memory serves, I did an adequate job last time," Vorian added, his lips lifting into a smile.

Images of the hotel flashed in my mind and I felt the corners of my mouth twitch. "You did."

Looking down at the bandage in my hands, I relented, holding the roll out to him. Vorian's eyes flicked up to mine in shock and his expression softened as he searched my face for an extended moment. Just then, I felt his fingers brush against mine as he took the bandaging from my grasp and leaned back, examining my wound for a moment before beginning.

With astounding gentleness, Vorian got to work, wrapping the fresh bandaging expertly around my thigh as he did once before all those nights ago. His head was down and his eyes were set on his task, and with our close proximity, I found my gaze drawn to him. I let my eyes trail the angular features of his clenched jaw as he focused on his work, up to the long dark hair of his braid that had slipped over his shoulder.

Out of nowhere, I felt his knuckles brush against the inside of my thigh as he wrapped the bandage around my leg. The sensation took me by surprise, sending chills across my skin and I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep my leg still. My gaze found his face again and I could have sworn I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, but it was gone as quick as it came.

After a few more moments, Vorian finished, securing the end of the bandage before leaning back to examine his work.

"I think you will live," Vorian announced, flashing me a smile that made my stomach flip.

I averted my gaze. "Thanks."

I let my fingers trace the bandage as a long silence fell over us. Eventually, Vorian spoke.

"I am sorry about Jada," Vorian said, glancing up at me. His peculiar eyes searched my face from behind a curtain of stray hairs that had fallen from his braid.

I swallowed. "I knew the risk when I left, but I took it anyway in hopes that she would fight back. It was stupid."

"Why does she refuse to fight?" Vorian asked, his brows knitting together in confusion.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Jada is stubborn. Her husband was killed by gunfire, long before the War that destroyed my world. As a result, she swore she would never use a gun. She said there was enough killing as it was, and killing only caused more killing."

Vorian stood. "I think that is an admirable mindset."

I scoffed, leaning back on the mattress to prop myself up with my hands. "Not in this world. Morals mean nothing now. The only thing they are good for is getting you killed."

"Well, they obviously meant something to Jada," Vorian replied, crossing his arms.

I glanced at the door. "That's why she's lying unconscious in the other room."

I heard Vorian let out a breath, uncrossing his arms as he moved to sit beside me on the bed. My eyes followed his movements and I could feel the mattress dip from his weight as he settled down beside me. His eyes found mine and his expression grew serious as he held my gaze.

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