Chapter 1

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I stared at the vault door ahead of me as alarms rang out and it slowly crept open. Red lights flashed around me, warning anyone in the area of the impending danger. 

My mind felt foggy and my eyes blurry as some kind of shadowy smoke seeped through the opening out into the hallway where I stood. My heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't breathe as the door completely opened showing nothing but a pitch-black void.

A distorted voice from within called my name but I couldn't move, couldn't think while whatever was inside that room writhed inside of the darkness. Coming closer. I could feel it around me, suffocating me in an embrace that both terrified and comforted me but I couldn't see it.

'Ava' the voice called out once more, but this time it was closer, practically whispering in my ear. 


I jolted upright, started awake by my co-worker standing beside me. "hey! Were you seriously taking a nap?" jade asked teasingly. I blinked a few times confused and looked at my desk where I was sitting then around the room, slowly recognizing everything I saw. I'm in the lab?

"hello?" earth to Ava, do you copy? " Jade waved her hand in front of my face and I smacked it away gently before groaning and closing my eyes. I ran one hand over my face and tried to compose myself. "yes I copy." I mumbled in response. 

"hm? You okay? You don't look so good… Did you have a bad dream?" she asked, leaning against my desk beside me. 

Dream? Oh yeah my dream was… my mind felt hazy and I couldn't remember anything. Did I seriously forget what I was dreaming about, so quickly? I can still remember the feeling it gave me but. That's it.

"I don't remember…" 

Jade looked at me for a moment before giving me an awkward smile. "Maybe you've been overworking yourself too much. Why don't we go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast and coffee?"

Glancing at all the papers on my desk I sighed and stood up grabbing my glasses. "sure."

"great! I'll tell Sarah and Matt we'll meet them there!" Jade beamed as she pushed herself off my desk and skipped away cheerfully. She's always been so full of energy and always seems happy. I'm a scientist and even I don't understand how she manages with the stress of work, lack of outside contact, and the insane scenarios that happen in this damn lab.

This job could drive anyone mad, it's one reason why we have to take evaluations weekly and talk to doctors all the time. The last person who had a mental breakdown nearly killed themselves.

Putting on my glasses I followed after jade, going into the hallway. She was a few paces ahead of me, nearly speed walking down the hall like a child, who wanted to run but didn't want to get scolded by adults. Sighing I looked to the wall seeing the operations logo painted on the wall. 

A.C.O.R.N 'the seed of humanity' I wanted to roll my eyes at that phrase. If people really knew what A.c.o.r.n. Did down in these bunkers, the world would be in an uproar. 

People think the government is shady, covering up assassinations, hiding alien ufo's, brainwashing the public…but they have no idea what's really going on behind the ocurtains. Even we don't know to the full extent what bunkers like these are hiding. 

As long as we do our jobs and keep quiet, then we get paid, and that's all that matters. For most of us at least.

Walking down the hall I made my way to the cafe, passing by a few co-workers and guards, but didn't pay them any mind. I only have one thing on my mind. Coffee.

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