Chapter 14- Display

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CW: Mentions of suicide and hospitals.

Hux's pov:

I awoke and bright light hit my eyes. A hospital? Why was I here? Kylo and Rey cam rushing over to me. What? When did they meet? Everything is confusing me right now.

They both spoke in unison, "Thank god your alright!" It looked like they had been crying. Why?

Pills. Bathroom floor. Lightness. Darkness.


Did I really do that? Just try to kill myself? It was strange, you would think if you woke up after trying to do that you would remember but I didn't. Well not for a while at least.

And the first thing I said was, "Do you two know each other?"

Kylo looked at me (shocked that that was the first thing I had said), "Not really. She was walking passed as I was carrying you to the hospital." He carried me? My eyes widened.

I nodded. I didn't really know how to react to the fact that I had actually tried to kill myself. You don't really think about that kind of thing do you? I could feel an awful headache coming on.

Rey started bawling, "They said you might not make it. You were in a coma for two weeks. " She came over and hugged me, "I- please don't ever do that again." she cried into my shoulder.

"I won't. Well at least I don't think I will." I joked. Should I be joking at a time like this?

She laughed while crying and slapped my arm, "Don't even joke about that, you worried me!"

"Does my Mum know?" I asked hesitantly.

She shook her head, "No. We couldn't find any contact details for her. Neither could the staff." I nodded.

When I looked up I noticed Kylo was also bawling his eyes out. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"We are not talking about me. This is about you. Are you okay?"
He sniffled. I'd never seen him like this ; so emotional.

"Yeah Im fine." At least I think I am. Im probably lying, I am in hospital for gods sake. I turned back to Rey who was standing in front if me, "Hey Im kind of hungry would you mind getting me like a chocolate bar from a vending machine?" Which obviously stood for I need to talk to Kylo alone, and she understood and left.

He sat down in the chair, "Im sorry," He began, "Its my fault. I was selfish and horrible and only thought about myself. All I cared about was the painting being on display and not you. I understand if you hate me. I am an awful person."

I nodded, "Yes. Yes you are. But it wasn't your fault. People got in my head and I- I was weak." I could easily blame everything on him but I knew it wasn't right. It wasn't his fault. "Please don't ever blame yourself."

He nodded not really believing me, "You are not weak. You know that right." I shrugged. "Why?"

I tilted my head, "Why what?"

He choked on his own words, "Why did you try to kill yourself?"

The words took me back and I sat in silence. It was strange. No one ever seems to ask that. If felt like a foreign language. The realisation set in ; I had tried to kill myself on the bathroom floor of my dorm.

But I thought it was only fair to tell him, "I have worked my entire life making sure I don't screw anything up. Secluding myself from others and never doing anything risky. That all stopped this year ; when I met you. When that video was leaked, everything I did for myself was destroyed. I was ruined. I thought there was no point in living anymore, therefore I just... did it?"

He had started crying again. He came over and hugged me and... I started crying? "Im sorry. Im sorry. You know you can talk to me right? And if you don't want to talk to me I'll do anything for you. I'll get you a therapist I'll- I'll do anything so you feel okay. Please, never do that again."

I burst out into tears and hugged him back. "Im sorry Kylo, Im sorry, Im sorry."

He pulled back, "No! You have nothing to be sorry for." he spoke in a soft but somehow firm tone.

Eventually, Rey came back into the room with a milky way. I smiled. "Thank you. Would you both mind leaving Id like to call my mum." 

They nodded, Rey handed my phone which had been somehow charged, and left.

I rang her and was met with a panicked voice, "Hux! Oh honey! Where have you been, you haven't picked up your phone, you haven't called or even messaged are you okay."

I spoke a little to casually, "Sorry Mum I was just in the hospital."

I heard an audible gasp, "What?! Was it that roommate again, because if it was you are moving rooms and-"

"No." I interrupted, "It wasnt him, I accidentally fell down the stairs and got myself put in a coma." I couldn't tell her I tried to kill myself. It would break. She'd take me out of college to be in her sight twenty four seven (which is probably a good idea but whatever).

She laughed, "Oh you silly boy! So clumsy! Anyway how is the hot roommate?" She asked.

I laughed, "Hes- Wait what! I never said he was hot."

"You jumped to defend him and you just had to stop yourself from talking about him. You loooveee him."

"Fine! Maybe I do?"

"Come on ask him out already! I want grandchildren you know." She stated mayer of factly.

"First of all, ew gross. Secondly thats not how it works and third of all... I'm working on it okay? Finally, I've just woken from a coma!"

"Okay well as long as it happens sometime soon." I could hear her grin through the phone, "Bye Hunny! Speak to me tomorrow?" She asked.

"Of course. Bye mum."

Kylo came back into the room.
"Reys has just gone to tell the staff your awake." He mumbled.

I nodded. "Sit down I need to tell you something.

He looked puzzled but complied, "What is it? Are you alright?"

"You need you to display that painting." I said. Maybe I would regret this. Hopefully not.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"I need proof that I'm not some town bicycle, a whore a slut. Your painting will prove that! I need to show them, I need to show them they were wrong. I want a handwritten apology from everyone." I don't know if my anger was that obvious.

"Of course, only if you want that though." He said.

"Of course mother fucker!"

1132 words

Sorry about that. :)

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