Chapter 4- Blackout

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This chapter was suggested by no_one_will-know thank you and also you should go read their stories!!!

Hux's pov:

I was standing in front of the tiny bathroom mirror looking at my reflection. I looked just as amazing as yesterday in the shop, I had added a small gold chain just to look, cool and my hair was more relaxed than usual. Intensely, I stared into the mirror, something didn't look right but I couldn't tell what so I decided to ignore it.

When I walked into the bedroom Kylo wasn't there ; I have no idea where he was but I really couldn't care less. It was 7:30. I had so much time, why had I gotten ready so early.

I opened my my phone and sent Rey a photo of the outfit.



Thank you :) I just feel like somethings missing.

Got any rings?


After that I got no response, I waited and waited but nothing happened. I sat back in my bed confused. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

Puzzled, I got up and opened it, "Rey?" I asked in disbelief.

"Here you are," she smiled and handed me a box full of new rings.

"Are these for m- wait. How do you know where I go to school? How did you find my dorm room? HOW DID YOU GET IN?"

She laughed slightly, "It says it on your facebook, I asked someone walking past if they knew where you were and they pointed here and anyone will let you in if you say someone's died."

My eyes widened, "What?!"

"Yeah so, if anyone brings it up it was your Aunty Margret, she passed away in her sleep, she was sixty five." I was still in shock. How does she get away with this? "Put them on then. Also keep them, they'll suit you."

I smiled, "Thank you." I looked down at my hands covers by all the metal and I must agree, they completed the outfit. "I love it." I looks back up at her.

"As you should! Anyway I've got to go now, I've got a date! I'll speak to you soo. though." A DATE?

"Yeah, tell me about this date though!"

She started rushing out, "I will!"
And with that the door slammed.
I was still slightly stunned at the short interaction I had just had. I decided to just read because I really had nothing else to do.

Eventually I looked down at my watch and it was 10:00. I guess I'll be fashionably late.

I walked through corridors and and out the main door. Making my way to dorm black c would only take ten-ish minutes so I look my time. Every time I saw a shadow move out of the corner of my eye I clenched the paper bag tighter.

Eventually I made it to dorm black c, room 56. There was nothing that would suggest a party was going on except for the loud but muffled music coming from inside. I took a deep breath in and stepp- stood there unsure what to do. I've never panicked before but this was a severe problem. Why couldn't I just go inside. Then I had an idea ; I looked each way down the corridors (checking for cameras, there were none) and swiftly drank a quarter of the vodka. My throat burnt and I thought i may go into cardiac arrest at any second but it gave me confidence.

I walked inside and soon spotted the guy I sat next to. He smiled at me and I returned the gesture. I pushed my way through the crowd (half of whom is never seen before) over to him and put the bottle of whisky and vodka on the kitchen table. "I see you've already started that one?"

Quiet love ~ KyluxWhere stories live. Discover now