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(Shoutout! Really quick I would like to say thank you to this ONE AMAZING PERSON they read my  new chapter after a few minutes of me posting it! So thank you it means A LOT!) ♡♡

(Now to this chapter!!)

*~Aphmau's POV~*

When pierce put the plate in front of me I almost SCREAMED it looked so good! I didn't know he could cook! But then when I took a bite AHHH it was so good!!

"Mhmm! Wow pierce I didn't know you could cook!" I said gasping!

"Oh! Well I used to a lot.. and I just tried to step up my A Game!!" He replied with a warm smile 

"Well thank you!" I said eating pierce's AMAZING breakfast!

"So.. what do you have planned? For the uh... date.?" He asked me

"Oh! Well Ein LOVES gold so maybe give him some of that! And to set up a cute little picnic area!!" I replied with a smile 

"Oh yeah! But I wanted to show you what he did! THATS WHY I NEED TO DO SOMETHING FOR HIM!" He smiled and pulled out his phone



"O-oh my gosh YEA!" I said laughing and, wishing Aaron would do that for me!

"Hahaha!" Pierce laughed

I continued eating and then when I finished I took him to go find some gold!


We got a bit of gold- BUT WE FOUND 17 DIMS 🤩🤩

It was great! But now it was time to set up the picnic for them! And I knew the perfect place!! And it's secretive! And a really cute place to hang out!!

So I took pierces hand and dragged him over to a clearing in the forest! Not too too far from the hub! When he saw it his jaw DROPPED it was so funny! He hugged me and said..

"Thank you aphmau!" He said squeezing me 

"Sure pierce! But! You owe me one!!" I said elbowing him!

He smiled and ran off- I decided it was time to go play ponies with Zane so I went over and play with him! Talking about KC or his FAVORITE ponie!

*~Eins POV~*

I woke up around 10-ish and sat up but I didn't remember falling asleep laying down.. then I saw my phone on my Side and a tray to my right! It was breakfasts!!! 

(Enough from past Ein 😡)

It was about 3:52 he said he'd be back by 4.. then I heard the door open! I got up from pierce's bed and went to the door! To see a pretty lighter- blue and slightly taller boy! It was Pierce! 

"Hi!" I said happily 

"Good morning! Let me guess you just woke up?" Pierce laughed 

"Hey! And no- I woke up at 10.. something I'll have you know!" I said flustered!

"Sorry! I didn't think that would make you in the slightest of upset!" He said chocking on his words a bit!

"No I'm fine! I just hate being teased.." I said looking at my feet

"Well.. I know what would cheer you up!" He said smiling and looking through his bag

"Here!"he handed me gold! 

"Thanks pierce!" I said looking at the gold he gave me!

"But why'd you give me this- what do you want pierce....." I asked questioning him intensely 

"... ..........FINE! Why do you have to be so scary..." he asked/said

"It's because..." he turned red!

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me.." he asked me avoiding my gaze!

"..." I didn't know what to say..

"Y-yeah.. that would uh.. be nice-!" I said getting excited because no one had actually taken me on a date before!

He turned so red but he was so happy and relieved! What did he think I was going to say no? PFFT— why would I? Is that why he woke up at 8? I turned a light pink! He put his hand out and I took it! He then started running dragging me somewhere! I didn't mind! I thought It was sweet he was so excited! 

When we arrived at a pretty wide clearing  I was met by a beautiful picnic! I really didn't value myself that much! So this made be feel important! I ran over to it now dragging pierce I let go of his hand plummeting onto the ground! He looked at me and laughed! I found it conferring!

We sat down and talked a bit! Enjoying the mini meal and the sun although it was really hot I didn't care! I loved this!

"Hey Ein.." he said looking a bit shy?

"Mhm! What's up?" I asked looking at him sweetly 

He lay'd down to look up at the sky!

"I.. I- love you..." he said quietly

My heart stoped beating! My stomach felt weird!! I looked at him for a minute.. then I smiled!

"Me too!" I lay'd down next to him we were both pink! 

He looked at me! I was wondering why.. then he got closer and closer to my face!..

(I was debating on leaving it here but... I'm not going to^^)

He kissed me lightly! My eyes were wide open... although it was short I loved it! He smiled and all I was doing was screaming in my head!

I decided I wasn't going to let him kiss me without making it even! So I kissed him back and I SWEARE I heard squealing over in a bush but luckily pierce didn't hear it-

We just enjoyed the rest of are date running around! And talking I NEVER want to leave! But when it was getting dark (and cold) it was time to go back to the hub! When we were walking back i got cold- (yes this is basic-) so pierce gave me his jacket! It was the perfect night!


(Thanks for reading see y'all tomorrow!!(or already))

Word count: 967

The two "best friends" (piercexein)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now