Chapter Six

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Saturday, the one day of the week I don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to attend to my kitchen duties. That is supposed to be a nice thing except my body is accustomed to waking up early so no matter how hard I try to sleep in I am never able to.

I give up trying to fall back asleep at four am and get up to go shower before everyone else wakes up for breakfast. It's quiet since it's so early in the morning, the perfect time for me to be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes when I manage to ignore all the steel bars and uniformed CO's I can imagine myself free and back home with Diego living my life. But then I'm forced back to reality when I walk into a multi shower bathroom with moulding curtains. The inmates in charge of cleaning do their best to keep the place neat but there's only so much they can do when men prove themselves to be disgusting pigs over and over again.

When I get into the shower, I find the cleanest one towards the end and get in making sure I have all my products with me. I've always kept my hair short so when I notice it falling to my forehead I know I'm due for a haircut. I'm also spotting a stubble that needs to go as soon as I'm done showering. I've always kept a clean shaven face.

The water is cold because someone botched the heater trying to boil a chicken they stole from the kitchen in it so we are stuck talking cold showers until they fix it. The water is freezing cold but it doesn't eradicate the morning wood I'm spotting.

Since I'm alone in the bathroom I take advantage of the solitude to get some relief. I wrap my hand around my stiff rod and groan out in pleasure. It feels good but I need something more to get me over the edge. My mind drifts to the playboy magazines that circulate around the cells but the images of those sexy models only gets me so far.

"Fuck."I groan out loud when an image of Hannah pops into my head.

It feels wrong but I can't help myself or get rid of the sight of her in my mind. She's not even wearing anything sexy, just her in a pair of pink scrubs, twirling around an empty hospital hall with her stethoscope around her neck. She's smiling and I feel as if that smile is all for me.

Her scrubs are hugging her curves perfectly, I can almost see the outline of her nipples stretching against her top. She is curvier than the average woman which I love about her, means there's more of her for me to admire.

"Yes! Fuck yes." I moan as I increase the speed of my hand against my cock.

I tug at the tip and squeeze harder letting myself imagine Hannah kneeling at my feet her hand around my dick instead of my own hand, her mouth open wide to receive me. That image alone is enough to send me over the edge as I cum all over the wall in long spurts.

"Fuck."I cuss out in shame once the high is over and the reality of what I've done hits me.

I feel as if I've disrespected Hannah by jerking off to a fantasy of her. Hannah is the purest human being I know and I've just ruined my thoughts of her by relieving myself to conjured up images of her. Sure it felt good in the moment, best orgasm I've had since I was incarcerated but it was still all so wrong.

I finish showering quickly and clean up after myself erasing all evidence of my disgusting act off the wall before getting out. I shave and wash my face before getting dressed. I dump the dirty towel into my laundry bag and make my way back to my cell. I am so mortified with what I've done that I can't bring myself to look at the photo of Hannah that I have pinned to the wall. It's still early so even if my body is fighting me against it, I force myself to go back to sleep. I need to escape the reality of what I've just done.

I wake up a couple of hours later, after the breakfast rush is over to find the prison a buzz with excitement. I can hear people cheering and talking happily which is rare in prison. Maybe they changed the breakfast menu and served something great but I would know about that since I help Ronald in preparing the menu if there are any changes which is rare.

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