Chapter 18

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"Sasuke, I think it's for the best if we include Itachi in this. He can assist us greatly; especially in Madara's situation," Naruto said.

"Yeah. First, we need to tell him that Shisui is alive. And we also have to explain the circumstances to him," Sasuke nodded.

"Off we go then, no time to waste," Naruto said as he stood up.

They were in their secret chamber in the forest of the death. 

No official use of this forest was recorded until the chunin exams Naruto took.

Till then, they had to make full use of this forest.

"Hokage-sama," two figures appeared in the room via shunshin.

It was a Hokage thing: if the Hokage didn't trust you; even a little bit, you were not allowed to enter the office with shunshin.

Good thing the Hokage trusted them.

"Naruto, Sasuke. What is it now?" Tsunade sighed. These children attracted trouble towards them.

"Tsunade-sama, we need the formal permission of the highest order to disclose an SS-class secret," Sasuke said, straight to the point.

"To whom? State the identity and reason," Tsunade asked, eyeing them.

"Itachi Uchiha, I am sure he will be helpful in our future goals" Naruto announced.

"I knew it, just get it over with, I have already filled the papers," she said.

"Weasel!" Tsunade voiced and then a figure appeared bowing down in front of her.

"Nii-san," Sasuke attracted the man's attention by his nickname.

Itachi looked at Tsunade for any confirmation and he got a nod.

He removed his mask. 

"Sasuke," he acknowledged.

"Hokage-sama?" Itachi posed a question respectfully.

"They will explain it. Now shoo! I have paperwork to do."

She shooed everyone out and continued on with her daily tasks, while drinking, of course.

Both attendees of the room left stunned but pleased. One Itachi Uchiha left the room extremely confused.

They were heading towards training ground 37; since no one seemed to use it, ever.

"Sasuke, what is happening?" he asked in a calm tone.

Sasuke and Naruto both admired this man. Even in an extreme situations, he never seemed to abandon his logical thinking skills.

Sasuke dropped the genjutsu that was on his Rinnegan.

Itachi stopped dead in his tracks as his calculative eyes search both of them.

"When are you from?" after two minutes of dead silence, Itachi spoke.

"How did you know?" Naruto asked.

"You are not different from what you used to be. There is no chance you are imposters. But you both hold an air of maturity around you that only age can bring. Your postures suggest that you always scanning the environment for threats, a habit only seasoned shinobi possess. Rinnegan is not something one can obtain in this era, not from what I know. What other decision can I come to?" Itachi elaborated.

His deducing skills were perfect. Not once did he abandon his lead on them just because it was impossible. People make impossible things possible all the time.

"No one ever seems to figure us out, and you did it in two minutes. You're one of a kind, nii-san," Sasuke said proudly.

"Thank you Sasuke, I appreciate it." Itachi smiled at him.

"Hate to break it to you, but you'll have to assist us," Naruto said.

"I'll be happy too, some background information I should need?"

Naruto, "Yeah that's why we brought you here. You must know everything before you help us."

"Please proceed."

"Danzo was killed five days ago," Naruto said.

"Yes, the killer is still not found. The Hokage knows who killed him. If you want information about that, you can go to Sarutobi-sama," Itachi supplied helpfully.

"Oh no, Sasuke killed him," Naruto said.

"What?" Itachi scanned their eyes for lies and was shocked to find there weren't any.

"Sasuke, did you really do that? How powerful are you actually?"

"For that, you have to know the past. Which is a very long story, keep your popcorn ready, Dattebyo!" Naruto put his thumbs up, smiling.

"Shut up, idiot," Sasuke.

"You may know the sage of six paths, right?"

"Hai," Itachi nodded.

"What the world doesn't know was that he had a brother, and a mother, and two sons, and... what else?" Naruto looked at Sasuke for guidance.

"That was it," Sasuke told him, amused.

"So his mother ate a chakra fruit,"

"A chakra fruit?"

"Yeah, there was a divine tree on which once in a long, long time grew one chakra fruit. The chakra fruits were used to give incredible chakra to the eater. After eating it, her attitude changed, and she became hostile. Her only goal became power," Naruto tried explaining in short.

"So, she had to be assassinated. Her path had strayed. She wanted more power. She became corrupt,"

"But she had incredible power because she ate a chakra fruit, right?" Itachi asked.

"Not only that, but she had the kekkei genkai of all the clans, after all, it was from her sons that the clans emerged," Sasuke added.

"Who killed her then? No one would've been able to. With the support of her family, she must've become invincible," Itachi said.

"It was her sons. They knew if their mother lived, then the earth would not be in such good condition," Sasuke.

"The battle ensued for months before they could finally seal her,"

"Seal? She was still not killed?"

"No, she was too powerful,"

"And one of her sons was the sage of six paths?"

"On the spot," Naruto grinned.

"When they defeated her, they sealed her away,"

"You must have heard the story after that, right? How the clans emerged. But the difference was: the Sage of six paths had children, his two sons. Indra and Ashura," Sasuke informed.


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