Chapter 13; Clownfish is Found.

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It was 2 in the afternoon. The academy had dismissed the students an hour ago.

One Sasuke Uchiha had no idea what to do. Usually, at this time, it is too hot to go outside.

In the past, he would've been glad that he had some time alone so he could brood peacefully. 

Now, it was not the same.

The house just felt a little (very) empty and unlively.

So he did what he thought was the best course of action; sleeping. 

As soon as he reached the point where he was half asleep; numb and all, the door burst open.

'There goes my sleep,' he muttered as if he could practically see his sleep flying away. 

"Sasuke! *huff huff* Come here!" A voice shouted out from near the entrance door.

'Naruto,' Sasuke thought as he jumped and ran to where he was, although a bit lazily.

And OH was he not prepared for what he saw.
"Shisui f*cking Uchiha, Naruto are you crazy?"

The yellowish-haired boy had a very unenergetic Shisui on his shoulder, slumped like a bag of potatoes.

Or he was just dead, who knows?

"Very. Can you shunshin us to Baa-chan? Do it quickly. Dattebayo or not, he is still breathing."

Sasuke fumbled around in his mind to find a comprehensive answer but his mind failed him yet again. 

"Why don't you do it?" He stopped when he finally stopped choking on thin air.

"I never learned shunshin, idiot. And what time is it to be asking that?" Naruto asked him.

"Wait for a second, usuratonkachi."


Her day was going very peacefully.

Well, as peaceful as it could go, knowing she would have to take on Hokage duties tomorrow. She rolled her eyes, in this peaceful era, a Hokage's job had to be the most boring job ever.

At least in her time, she had some... interesting (for lack of a better word) papers that would help her pass her time.

She snickered to herself on remembering some of it. The funniest of them being a man choking on some drugs and dying. At least he wasn't arrested.

Shizune had given her a difficult time asking questions about her very sudden change of heart. But she supposes, she has been giving Shizune a hard time too for the past four years.

Now imagine her surprise when a very worried-looking Sasuke and her adoptive grandson with a random body appear in her office. An Uchiha's, she could tell.

"What were you up to again? And who is the boy?"

"I... am a man," the un-identified Uchiha groaned, a pained but angry expression on his face.

"Yeah sure. Now, what DID YOU DO?!" Tsunade shouted.

"NO TIME, FIX SHISUI FIRST!" Naruto shouted back.

Both the Uchihas had a sudden urge to coat their poor ears with their hands. 

Tsunade huffed as she bent down to heal the boy who was now quivering like a fish without water.

A few minutes passed after that.

"Ts-Tsunade sama? A-are you okay?" Shizune asked.

Today was a really weird day, wasn't it? First, Tsunade suddenly returns to Konoha after she suddenly jerks up from her temporary unconsciousness.

To this point could she not figure out why she was passed out. Now, a mere 5-year-old boy; six years a most, was ordering her around. 

The sanin she knew would probably scream and fight the kid. It was REALLY weird.

And why did a 5-year-old teleport holding an almost dead boy in his hands again? And where did they come from?

And then she collapsed. 

'Poor Shizune,' almost all occupants of the room thought except the nearly dead boy, of course.

"Uhhhhh, baa-chan? I think she unalived."

"Oh shut up, she'll wake up in half an hour. It was just too much for her poor heart."

"What about Shisui-san?" Sasuke asked.

"He'll be okay. Now, may I know where you found this clownfish?"

"Hah, long story short, he was dying."

"Shocker," the boy; now identified as a man, spoke.

"He was lying lifelessly in Uzushiogakure. Funny right? And I got the scrolls I went there for," Naruto showed a seal on his right hand's arm, grinning.

"And some of them will improve my pranking drastically."

He grinned, but this time it wasn't as settling.

Tsunade sweat-dropped. Whatever it was, her grandson was talented at pranking.

Sasuke feared for any harm that may befall him in the future.

"Alrighty, I will see you in bed then, "Naruto jumped out of the window

Tsunade glared at Sasuke, "What?"

"It's not like that. We just sleep in one bed, that's all. Stupid dobe, making things sound suspicious," Sasuke commented.

"You better not do anything... till you are 15, that is. You will already be thirty by then, though,"

"Oh shut up old woman!"

All of Konoha heard the screams of one Sasuke Uchiha. No one dared to question it.


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