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Saylahevans happy birthday ma. Miss you more everyday. Hope I'm making you proud. Love you ❤️

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SAYLAH'S heart was heavy today. It always was on her mums birthday. Even though she tried her best to see the day as a celebration of life, the fact her mum was no longer here and the tragic way she died, always got the best of her when she tried to remain positive.

Nevertheless she was a trooper. She powered through the day. She had gotten her mum flowers and balloons in honour of her birthday. She tried to outdo herself every year so her mum had the best.

Popping all of the things in the car, she drove to the cemetery. She visited her mum and dads graves every few weeks. Whenever she could really. Especially on holidays such as Christmas and important days like her birthday. She even remembered visiting them when she had booked her first big partnership with a big brand.

It was raining when she stepped out of her Range Rover to walk to her mum's grave. However the rain didn't damper her mood. It actually made her happy. Rain was seen as a blessing. So she felt content.

She carefully placed the flowers down for her mum, along with the balloons. Crouching down at the grave just to look over the headstone with her mums picture on it. She smiled sadly, tears escaping.

"Happy birthday mum." She whispered, running a hand along the name on the headstone. The water pooling in her eyes as the rain fell around her, gently hitting her umbrella.

She stayed there for a while before she went to look for her dads one. He was buried in the same cemetery but in a different area.

Once she got to her dads grave, she crouched down placing some flowers for him too. She always bought enough for the pair of them.

She removed the old flowers that she had brought a few weeks back. They had began to wilt. Brushing off the grave stone a little, she rearranged the new flowers so they were positioned nicely.

"It's mums birthday today." She said. At times she felt silly speaking knowing no one was going to talk back. But it helped her feel close to her parents. So she continued to do it.

"Grandma and grandad are coming to see you guys later." She informed. She usually came with her grandparents to their graves on their birthdays but Saylah had some work stuff to deal with later so she had to get up to them earlier than her grandparents were able to.

She sat with her dad for half an hour more and then she set off to leave. It was a teary goodbye, as always.

Before she left the cemetery completely she stopped by her mum once more just to say happy birthday one last time, blowing her a kiss. She then left all together, getting back into her car.

She allowed herself to cry for a little. The rain pitter pattering on the roof of her car as the tears streamed down her face. She was always such an emotional mess after leaving the cemetery but even more so when it was one of their birthdays. Usually took her about two days to stop uncontrollably crying. And then she was able to mask her feelings again.

Now that all the crying was out of her system she set off on her way home. Dreading the loneliness she was bound to feel when returning home to an empty house after the reminder that both her parents were no longer here.

Her hands trembled as she unlocked her door. The stillness of the house representing the loneliness she felt inside. The house all of a sudden felt so much bigger and she felt that much smaller.

The tears were falling as she turned on the lights walking through the house to the kitchen. She grabbed herself a glass of water looking around as she leaned against the kitchen surface. Feeling tiny.

She sighed taking another sip of water. As she did so she heard the door knock. Confused she slowly walked to the door.

When she opened it she saw Mason smiling back at her from the other side. Peering behind him, she saw Delina and Lani behind him and then the rest of the group. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Hey guys...?" Saylah greeted. Confusion all over her face.

"Hi." Lani smiled

"What are you-"

"Movie night." Mason chimed in cutting off her sentence.

Without invitation they all walked in, going straight to her living room. Already filling the desolate house with warm energy and vibes.

It made Saylah smile as she peered into the living room to see all of the people she considered her closest friends, in her house. She knew this had to be either mason, Delina or Lani's doing. An attempt to keep her feeling less lonely. Which she really appreciated.

Mason had hung back, standing at the door that was now closed, looking at Saylah.

"Thank you for this." She smiled at him.

"It was Delina's idea to watch a movie. I suggested dinner." He shrugged.

"No. Thank you for knowing I needed company today." She touched his shoulder gently.

"Dels, Lani and I both thought you could do with some cheering up today. We know how hard it is for you in general. Can't even imagine what today must be like." He looked sad for her.

She shot him an appreciative look.

"I admire you alot Saylah. You really are amazing." He stated.

She smiled, her eyes locked with his.

"I hope you're okay with all of us being here. I didn't know if you maybe wanted space or-"

She cut him off by planting a gentle kiss on his lips. Her hand on his arm.

When she pulled back his eyes were wide and she just had a small smile on her lips.

"This...it's all I could ask for and more. Thank you for caring about me so much." She looked up at him with loving eyes. Not that she realised she was looking at him like that.

His hand cupped her cheek as he smiled down at her. Happy that he had made her happy on such a sad day.

They stayed like that until their moment was interrupted by Delina calling for them.

"Can you two get in here so we can start the movie! The boys are getting restless and moving like kids!" She shouted out.

"The Brazilians hogging the popcorn!" Bukayo called out in a whiney voice.

Mason and Saylah laughed as they looked at each other.

"Let's go." He winked at her, swinging an arm around her shoulder as the pair made their way inside.

— men are just
so complicated!!!

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