r e a l i t y

790 6 20

"millie, dont leave." draco begged. 

millie was throwing clothes into her suitcase and shaking her head. "im over this."

"millie, i didnt do anything!" draco retorted. 

"yes, you did. you promised it would be me and you time. that means you have to be with me. but no, you decide to hang out with the boys." millie shot back. 

"i promised them that while the girls are gone, we'd go do karaoke. come on, millie." draco grabbed her hand.

"no, draco! we're done!" millie grabbed her suitcase and slammed the door. 

draco flung it open and ran after her. "don't leave. we can fix this, millie."

"draco, just leave me the fuck alone." millie pressed a button on the elevator. "goodbye, draco." 

when the elevator door closed, draco sunk to his knees and sobbed. 

what was he supposed to do without millie? draco thought. 

he shakily grabbed his phone and dialed a number. 

"hello?" hermione granger's voice said. 

"hermione," draco breathed. "i need help."

"with what?" he heard noise silence on her end. "draco, what's wrong?"

"me and millie broke up."

"you did? draco, im so sorry." hermione said, sympathy filling her voice. "but what did you need my help with?" 

"i...i need you to stay on the phone with me tonight. i know it's a different time zone where you're at, but im worried i might do something if im alone." draco said, slowly getting up and walking back to his room. 

"yeah, i can do that. the girls and i were planning on having a relax day, anyways. do you need to talk about anything?" hermione asked. 

"hermione, i dont want to become depressed because of this." draco admitted. 

"i dont want you to be depressed because of this neither. what are things you enjoy? things that take you're mind off of everything?" 

fucking millie, draco thought. 

"nothing. ever since ive been with millie, ive never really had time for myself. i havent even eaten three meals a day since ive been with her." draco told hermione, laying down on his bed. 

"well, how many meals did you eat today?"

"one." draco said, his stomach growling on cue. 

"first, i want you to eat something. can you do that for me?" 

"yeah," draco texted blaise to order him some pizza. "okay, blaise is ordering me pizza."

"good. now can you tell me what your relationship was like with millie?" 

"it was good at first. really good. id take her out on dates, we'd cuddle, stuff like that. but then last year, she started to get more needy, once i moved back to london. i told her id visit her every two weeks of every month. and that's what i did. i got so caught up in my relationship, i forgot to eat, and i stayed in new york sometimes longer than i planned. blaise always tried to tell me that our relationship was unhealthy, but i never listened. i guess talking to you about my relationship has me realizing that it was toxic and i shouldnt have been with her." 

"well, from what ive heard, it does sound toxic. draco, something they tell girls is to put themselves first. you should do the same. if your girlfriend genuinely cared about you, she wouldn't want to hang out with you all the time, she wouldn't let you forget to eat. you deserve better, draco." 

tears slid down draco's face and he sniffed. 

"did i make you cry? im so sorry!" hermione started. 

"mione, it's okay. you didnt make me cry. i havent been with my emotions, i guess. it's now crashing down on me now."

"draco, right now, you should let yourself feel the emotions you've been repressing since you've been with millie. and i know this is a terrible thing to say right now, but i think you and millie breaking up might've been for the best." hermione said hesitantly. 

"yeah, you're probably right. it sucks i cant talk to you about this in person." draco huffed. 

"ill be home in a couple of days, then we can talk." hermione promised. 

"is it bad to say that i really want to hug you despite just breaking up with my girlfriend?" draco said. 

hermione laughed. "no, it's not bad. word on the street is that i give the best hugs." 

draco chuckled. "i believe it." 

"im happy you came to me, draco." 

"you were the only person i could think of that wouldn't judge." 

"probably true." hermione said. 

"i think i should apologize to blaise. i was kind of a dick to him." draco said, running his hands through his hair. 

"yes, you were a dick to blaise, but you can be forgiven. and knowing blaise, he'll forgive you." 

"i hope so," as if on cue, blaise rung the doorbell with pizza. 

"be right back, mione," draco hopped up from the bed and opened the door. 

"your pizza, sir." blaise grinned, bowing. 

draco laughed. "thank you." 

blaise turned to leave but draco called out to him. 

"blaise, im sorry for treating you like shit. i shouldve been a better friend. all you were trying to do was look out for me, and i appreciate it."

blaise smiled. "you're forgiven for being a dick. but why apologize?"

"it was needed, and i broke up with millie."

blaise raised his fists in the air, victorious. "YES! THANK GOD! NOW DRA--"

"shhhh!" draco motioned towards his phone and whispered, "mione's on the phone."

blaise smirked and nodded. "ill leave you guys to it." 

blaise ran down the hallway giggling like a girl.

"im back, mione." draco said, opening the warm box of pizza and dug in. 

the two talked for the whole night, both of them falling asleep at some point. 

𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 , hp instagramOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora