r e a l i t y

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hermione heard a knock on the door and went to fetch it.

"hey!" hermione squealed and hugged astoria and daphne. "i missed you guys!"

"mione, it's only been, like, a day." ginny said, going to hug the girls as well.

"i missed my wife." hermione said, grinning.

astoria smirked. "daph missed you though, gins."

"i'd hope so!" ginny said.

"don't worry, honey, i did." daphne said sarcastically.

"the boys are absolutely freaking out about how we're married. and theo's especially jealous." tori said.

"good." hermione said.

the girls sat down on the couch and started to eat the chinese takeout the greengrass sisters brought.

"so, any boys in your lives?" daph asked.

"i was dating ron, but he broke up with me." hermione said.

"oh, yeah. he's been hanging around lavender a lot. i hate her. she's so annoying, and thinks incredibly highly of herself." tori said.

"he cheated on me with her." hermione deadpanned. knowing that ron was with lavender wasn't news to her.

"harry told us. he's the only one that talks to ron. besides the cow of course. that's what we secretly named lavender. no one actually likes her." daph said, grinning wickedly.

"now she's got a thing going on with draco malfoy." ginny cut in.

"ginny!" hermione said.

"draco "my father will here about this" malfoy? that's who you're in to?" tori screeched.

"no! it's nothing like that! he just took care of me after i got so drunk i couldn't remember my own name." hermione said quickly.

tori and daph exchanged a look but nodded skeptically.

"look, i don't like him. we're....just acquaintances. besides, he has a beautiful girlfriend."

"mione, don't lie. we all know you're hotter than millicent bulstorde." tori said.

"i'm not," hermione said.

"look, mione, millicent is hella toxic. her and draco always fight. the only thing they do know how to do it fuck each other." daphne retorted.

"can we not talk about this anymore? there's nothing going on between me and malfoy. if you want someone to talk about, talk about ginny and blaise." hermione said.

ginny shot her a death glare.

"blaise is a good option, actually. super funny and sweet." daphne said.

"you guys ever date?" ginny asked.

daphne shook her head. "no, but we're good friends with him."

"he acts gay, but he's straighter than a line." tori said.

"lines can bend, you know." hermione said.

"than he's straight than a pole."

"poles can bend, too." hermione said, biting back a laugh.

"fine! he's straighter than whatever can stay straight." tori says, throwing her hands up.

the girls looked at one another and burst out laughing.

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