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I walked through the hall and poked my head into the kitchen.

Price was stirring a pot and humming to himself.

I walked in and peeked at the pots and saw it was spaghetti and meatballs.

"Where do you find the time to make all this? We just got back."

"John works magic somehow."

I turned and saw the woman.

"Kate Laswell. I believe you remember her from when you were brought in."

I nodded and wondered if I could steal a meatball.

"It's good to see you out of chains." She walked up to me and held out her hand.

I glanced at it before shaking it.

"I think you know me by now."

"YN LN."

"Unfortunately. Hot!" I threw the meatball into the air and hissed as I tossed it repeatedly.

"You're disgusting."

I ignored Ghost as he walked in and opened a beer from the fridge.

Price let out a chuckle and stabbed the ball midair with a fork before handing it to me.

"Thank you." I began taking small nibbles from the steaming meat.

"Dinners almost ready. You'll spoil your appetite if you drink before hand." Price told Ghost who sighed and set down the can.

"Haha, get told off, bitch."

Ghost glared and I gave him a smile.

Laswell smiled and shook her head.

"You two must be the best of friends, huh Ghost?"


"She was being sarcastic, dumbass." I bit a chunk of meat off.

"You little-"

"Dinner's ready!" Price called out as Soap and Gaz ran in. "Grab a plate and sit."

I hummed and lit a cigarette.

Dinner was good.

The company was okay.

I sighed out a puff of smoke.

"Where'd you get those?"

I shut my eyes.

It's like I can't get a moment alone.

"I bought them before I got food."

Ghost leaned against the wall I was on.

"I didn't take you for a smoker."

"And I didn't take you for a talker. Yet here we are."

"I'm just here to make sure you don't run away."

"Keep telling yourself that. We all know you fell in love with me at first sight and that's why you're here."

"If you weren't a girl, I'd hit you."

"Assaulting people because you're upset? That's a sign of a bad temper. Although, being in the same room as you for more than a minute will be enough time to see that."


I looked at him and noticed he was staring at me.

"I'm not sharing with you. You can be free to buy cigarettes all you want. These are all I have."

"I don't want your cigarette."

"Good. Cause I'm not sharing."


"Hey, question."


"Wanna start a prit pro quo?"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah. I leave the base for two hours, and you can fuck the ever loving shit out of me for as long as you want every time."

Ghost stared at me.

He seemed taken aback.

"When was the last time you saw boobs, huh? You must have urges you can only do on another person. Come on, I'm okay with anything. And I do mean anything. A quick talk with Price and a tracking anklet and we have ourselves a deal."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now