19. Mission

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My eyes stung as I opened them.

God damn, I'm tired yet well rested.

I looked to my side to see the bed empty.

I yawned and threw my legs over the bed side.

Time to start my day.

What time is it?


Hmm, I haven't slept this late in a while.

I walked to the bathroom where I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair before getting dressed.

What's for breakfast? Is there any left for me?

I made my way into the kitchen and found a plate of food waiting on the table.

Finders keepers.

I scruffed down the plate

And then realized.

Where is everyone?

Time to investigate.

After washing my plate, I walked around base until I heard a voice coming from behind a door.

I opened it and poked my head in.

Everyone, including the women from before was in there.

What's her mane again?



"Well good morning, YN. Glad you could join us. Please take a seat.

"What's going on?"

"We're going over today's mission."

"Oh...okay, have fun, bye!"

"Get in here." Ghost glared.

"Ugh. Fine. Why didn't anyone wake me if this is so important?"

"You're am adult, not a child. We shouldn't have to wake you up. You should do it yourself." Ghost snapped as I sat next to him. Sadly, it was the only available seat.

"Fine then, next time, I'll go back to sleep."

Ghost glared so hard I wondered if he could see clearly.

I lost interest pretty quickly and began picking at the skin next to my nails.

"..and pedophilia."


I liked up confused.

"He's wanted for being a pedo."

"Ah. So when do we leave? I got things to do, naps to take."

"We leave in 15."

I hopped out of the helicopter and looked around.

That way.

I hurried along, fingering m my knife excitedly.

I half listened to the plan.

It was basic and boring, I have no intention of following it.

There it is.

His house.

Dead or alive.

I can work with that.

3rd person pov

"Where's YN?" Ghost whispered and Soap looked around.

"Where did she go!?" Gaz hissed and Ghost let out an angry growl.

"Did she escape?"

"She won't get far. Let's focus on our target first, then we'll find YN. Don't worry Ghost." Price said the last part with a hint of a smirk.

"Fine. Let's move in."

"Help...help me!" The four stopped and glanced at each other.

"Move." Price ordered and they walked into the room the voice sounded from.

There was blood everywhere. The man was badly beaten and sliced up, parts of his body were dislocated and broken.

Someone came after this man, and it was personal.

"Careful, they might still be here." Price warned.

"Does anyone smell that?" Gaz asked sniffing the air.

Everyone began to sniff and look around.


"Someone set this place ablaze, let's get out of here. Soap, get the man." Ghost turned and led the way.

"Aye, LT."

YN's pov

I walked through the hot sun and panted.

What if they get caught in the flames?

Nah, they're smart men, they'll smell it before they see it.

I smiled at two girls my age who smiled back at me.

They're pretty.

To bad.

I looked around and blew out the smoke from my cigarette.

Do I have time to stop for a bite?

I looked at the direction I came from to see a cloud of smoke and a helicopter flying south from my location.

Two fire trucks flew past me and I crossed the street.

I tossed the cigarette on the floor and stomped it before entering the restaurant.

"Five tacos please. And a medium sized Horchata."

"Coming right up, ma'am."

I nodded and handed him an outrageous amount of money.

Tacos are good, but five for two is crazy. He handed me my plate and I went to the condiment bar to fix my tacos.

It was a beautiful day, we should eat outside.

I sat down and ate and drank till my heart was fulfilled.

It's been a while since I had some good ass food.

I finished my drink and threw my trash away, cleaned the table and walked away.

Why is it taking them so long?

I watched the helicopter fly around slowly.

I lit another cigarette and walked through the beautiful city, checking my watch every now and then.

Lady Gaga played overhead and I hummed along.

The helicopter circled overhead and I snorted. I tossed the cig away and stomped it before looking for a clearing.

I knew I wouldn't make it very far, so I didn't bother trying to escape.

Not yet at least.

Ghost is gonna be so mad.

But who cares.

Not me.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now