[ONESHOT]: Y/N Gets Drunk

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A/N: I'm writing this partially sober, partially drunk, after just sculling a bottle of soju. If, by the end of the chapter, you can't understand a single word I've written, just know that... I probably won't know what the heck I meant by tomorrow either LMAOEHWOAE

also if you're not a light-weight I'm so sorry but i am and there fore so is y/ne


SORREL IS ACTING FUNNY. YOU stare at her distrustfully, your eyebrows raised high near your hairline as you gently clutch the bag of blue blood she had just given you. From the front pavement of Connor's house, where the surrounding grass gleams gently beneath the light patter of rainfall, you stand a half-meter away from the red-haired Android.

Her expression seems a little too friendly.

Maybe it's your investigation programming that's making you suspicious, but something feels seriously off here.

"This was really nice of you," you say, still studying Sorrel with unblinking eyes, "to come all this way just to give me some blue blood."

Sorrel smiles innocently. "Of course, Y/N! I know how hard it is to get your hands on these things unless you're Mr. Robo-Jesus, who, for some reason, keeps getting blue blood donations by random human politicans. And I also know things are still a little awkward with Markus, otherwise he would've brought this to you himself."

You blink and take a quick glance down at the thirium bags. "Yeah. I am pretty low...  Thanks, Sorrel!" Beaming, you send her a wide and sunny smile, your suspicion quickly fading away.

She's your best friend. You don't need to be suspicious all the time! It's exhausting. Anyway, what could she have possibly done? Posioned it? As if.

Sorrel's eyes twinkle with something akin to mirth.

"Well, I should get going. I promised I'd go to lunch with Sammy━we're going to try and hit some human bars to taste a fry or two. Exciting, right?"

Before you can even respond, Sorrel begins walking down the pavement, her red hair lazily flicked across one shoulder. You stare after her, still smiling slightly. You're pretty sure Sammy doesn't exist. Otherwise, you would've met him by now, right?

With a shrug, you walk back up the rain-slick pathway and make your way over to Connor's front door. You swing it open, one hand juggling the thirium bag, and roll your shoulders to loosen out the tightened kinks.

"Hey," Connor's head pops out from around the kitchen entrance. His hair is wavy and slightly messy as it slides across his forehead. "What'd Sorrel need? I haven't seen her in a while."

Smiling softly, you gesture to the thirium bags and walk into the kitchen, intent on finding yourself a fancy wine-glass to drink it out of, "She got me some blue blood! Apparently they have extra at Markus'. Neat, right?"

You almost miss Connor's puzzled expression as you shut the cupboard, one wine glass in your hand.

"Really?" he asks. "Huh. That seems... out of character. I'd expect Markus to come by himself, or maybe even Simon." He takes a quick look down at the thirium bag and a subtle look of confusion passes his expression━his eyebrows furrow faintly and he tilts his head, almost like a puzzled puppy.

"Don't look so confused," you giggle sweetly. "She was probably just bored and wanted to go on a walk anyway."

Seeming almost uncomfortable, Connor nods slowly. He meets your gaze and smiles, though his eyebrows remained pinched. "Alright then... Hang on, I'll grab a glass of wine! We can drink together."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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