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THE INTERVIEW ROOM IS tense with anticipation as everybody stares at Detective Summers and the Deviant, eager to see its next move. It has yet to respond to anybody's attempts in questioning (not Detective Reed's, not Lieutenant Anderson's, and Detective Summers is having similar issues) and so everybody seems a little impatient.

You stare through the one-sided mirror impassively, analyzing patiently as Detective Summers speaks.

"Why'd you do it?" his voice is kind as he speaks. "You can tell me. Maybe then I can help you... Maybe then I can get you out of this mess... But unless you speak to me, there's nothing I can do for you."

The Android doesn't even blink. It stares straight down at the table, completely closed-off from the world.

"Come on... I'm trying to help you, why aren't you letting me?"

Detective Summers' voice is soft and tender but the Android doesn't budge. Lieutenant Anderson huffs from his seat next to you and leans forward, fidgeting impatiently. 

It's early Sunday morning -- maybe he was looking forward to getting some sleep and wants the case closed as quickly as possible. But it seems Detective Summers is having no luck. Still, he keeps trying.

"Please... At least tell me what you want? Maybe I can convince my superiors to get it for you... I'm on your side, here. I really am. I know there has to be a reason for what you did to your owner."

The Android says nothing but its stress levels go down considerably. That's not good.

"I know you wouldn't kill someone just for the sake of it. You're not like that, are you? He made you do it, didn't he? He forced you to... This was never your choice... He made you kill him."

Silence. Nothing happens other than the Android's stress levels lowering.

They're too low. It'll never speak now...

Detective Summers sighs and leans back in his chair. He looks ready to keep talking all night but you know there's not enough time for that. You step closer to the one-sided mirror and quietly knock on it to gain the Detective's attention.

His head shoots toward where you knocked and he nods.

"Huh," snorts Detective Gavin Reed, "even Robo-cop here knows he's gettin nowhere."

The Lieutenant rolls his eyes. "Shuddup."

When Detective Summers returned to the watch-room, he raises an eyebrow in confusion. Reading his vitals, you see that he's a little nervous. "What's up? I thought I was doing pretty good. It looked like it was going to talk there."

He seems proud of himself despite his nervousness.

You clear your throat -- an unnecessary mannerism to you but one that seems to calm people down. "I apologize, Detective, but the Deviant's stress levels are unhealthily low... You won't get anywhere with it if it's too calm."

Detective Reed snorts.

Summers blinks and the tips of his ears go pink in embarassment.

"Would it be possible for me to interrogate it? I'd be able to monitor its stress levels and act accordingly..."

You're met with three pairs of stunned eyes.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," mutters Lieutenant Anderson.

Detective Summers nods, "Yea, sure."

And Reed chooses to keep his snark to himself but he pulls an unpleasant face when you make eye-contact.

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