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I didn't know the force that propelled me towards the evil witch.
Despite the yell to get back into the protective circle, I still move on.
Maybe because I knew who I was, I could face her one-on-one without flinching.
My hair whipped around my face as the wind continued. It was a wonder I was the only one unaffected by it.
Perhaps it was the ball of wind that encompassed me like a shield that made me immune to her power.
Sienna's gaze locked on mine, and I did the same as I stepped towards her.
I didn't glance away for once until Aiden shouted my name.
Frowning, I stared at him.
He didn't look as if he never knew me. Instead, I saw fear in his eyes.
The only time he had shown fear was whenever I was in distress. Now that I wasn't, I wondered what was frightening him.
Perhaps he was appalled about the face-off I would have with Sienna.
Moreover, if he had remembered me all this while, why had he pretended?
Possibly, it was for my protection, I answered myself. Because I believed Aiden would always have my best interest in mind.
Still, it didn't make any sense because no matter his reasons for discarding me the way he did, I was still very angry with him.
“Elena, what are you doing?" Aiden yelled.
“Get back into the circle, else you'll get yourself killed," Ellen shouted.
Ignoring both, I continued towards Sienna.
Sienna twirled, facing Aiden, then tutted. “I knew you were pretending all along. I was waiting for a time like this for you to slip. I'm glad you did.” She hissed, then waved her hands.
I watched as Aiden slammed into one of the pillar posts designed with frills for the wedding.
I grimaced as I imagined it happening.
Aiden moaned as Sienna shoved him harder.
She didn't seem like she cared about the anguish he was going through.
Despite how mad I was at him, the thought of what she was doing to him angered me and made me want to detach her head from her neck.
However, I settled with gritting my teeth.
"I wanted to leave you because you've been good to me. You were my first love, but you are not worth keeping. You still want this wench!” Sienna shrieked while pointing at me.
"Do whatever you want with me, but leave Elena out of this.” Aiden choked out.
“Why? Because she is your Luna? That's a good reason for her to die.” Sienna said with a smirk.
“I'll do anything you want!” Aiden shouted.
“Then, kill them,” Sienna commanded, and the wind stopped immediately.
A sword drifted through the air and landed on the ground near Aiden. He attempted to step away from it, but he couldn't because it kept on following him.
Then, I remembered what I had seen at the garden's entrance before we entered.
Debitus constitutus promissio(Debt Establishment, promise.)
It was written in block letters and a language I didn't know I could comprehend until now.
No one was able to read it, not even Maya.
Aiden had vowed and he wouldn't escape from it until he fulfilled his wish or until he was dead.
He clasped the sword, and his eyes bored into mine.
“I'm sorry,” He muttered.
“Aiden," I said coolly. “I know you can snap out of this. However, I wouldn't push you to. You should do whatever your heart desires.”
For once, I knew he wouldn't use the sword on me because Aiden was the strongest person I knew.
Not even the trance he was put in would make him want to hit me.
But I was wrong.
The sword with him lifted and was about to strike me, but I dodged.
Aiden growled, and cornflower eyes turned golden. His canine bared while he dashed towards me.
My eyes bulged as I noticed the animalistic behaviour he was exhibiting.
“Please, Elena. I don't want to kill you. I can't help it because the spell is too strong." He groaned as he lifted the sword once more to strike.
Nonetheless, I ducked it.
Then, I remembered the spell Hecate had cast when I was in the tunnel. The simple words she had said made me see who I was.
I sent the sword with him flying before I clamped his neck.
I didn't know if he was letting me or if my power was exceptionally strong for him to be able to get out of my grasp.
Whichever it was, I was glad he didn't struggle.
He gagged as I continued holding his neck.
“What are you doing?" Ellen roared.
After doing the spell on him, I shoved him towards the circle, which the others were, before drifting to the witch's side.
“You are smart," Sienna mumbled.
Her eyes travelled from my head to my toes before they flickered back to my eyes. “I underestimated you. But I won't let you win because I'm smarter." She screamed.
Her hair swirled, and a ball of wind circled us, separating us from my comrades.
“You are going back to the land of the dead, to where you belong.”
“Never." Sienna dismissed with a wave of her hand. “I'm here to stay.” She growled.
“That is if I let you, and over my dead body, that happens," I shouted, blocking a blow from her.
“With Harmonia by my right and Theia by my left," I muttered.
Sienna snickered, “None of those will help you.”
"See." I grinned, showing the light that suddenly appeared in my hands.
"I won't let you win!" Sienna charged towards me.
“I call on the goddess Hecate; heed to my call,” I shoved Sienna's hands away as she attempted to smack me again.
“I call on you, Mother, the purest of all witches, to help me in this garden of no return!"
The ground quivered underneath my feet.
I noticed Sienna chanting as well. Several undead armies slipped out of the cracks in the ground.
“Kill them, kill her.” She thundered with blazing eyes.
“Immotus!"(Motionless) Maya yelled. "Praetervolo!"(Vanish)
The armies halted, then vaporised one after the other.
“N-noo. T-this can't be.” Sienna stuttered.
The people I had called on appeared. They each touched my shoulder, and with each caress, I felt a power surge.
Sienna tried to teleport out of the circle, but I thwarted her effort by sealing every loophole she could pass through.
“I've tasted your powers, and I know how nasty they can be. But, I was prepared for today." I smirked at her bewildered face.
“This is for disrupting the peace in my household." I snapped my fingers while I imagined a whip.
She screamed as it landed on her back. “B*tch!" She howled.
“This is for Gemma,” I muttered as I remembered what she had done to her body.
“This is for me,” I said.
My eyes went heavenward, and I prayed silently to the god of the sky.
I beamed as I noticed the crackling in the air.
Sienna, knowing what was happening, directed a ball of blue lightning, which was the deadliest lightning, towards me.
I caught it, then, before she could blink her eyes, redirected it towards her.
For a while, I was blinded by the flash as it electrocuted her.
“Disintegrate and never come back again," I uttered.
Sienna's body drifted through the air; the atmosphere lightened immediately.
The garden crumpled, as well as the spell she had placed on it.
We were now in what seemed to be the middle of a forest with tall trees.
I darted to Aiden's side; he was still unconscious. But he was alive, which I was grateful for.
I hadn't done the spell to kill him; I had done it to knock him out because I wouldn't be able to face Sienna if he were in my way.
I stroked his lustrous brown hair, then caressed his smooth palm.
His fingers jerked, and I grinned as he interlocked them with mine.
“Thank goodness," I said, breathing out slowly.
“I'm happy everything is over with," Maya said.
“I am, too." Mark embraced Ellen. Both shared a sweet kiss after the embrace.
“Why am I here?" The minister that was meant to officiate the wedding asked. His onyx eyes narrowed while he observed what was going on.
“To officiate a wedding from hell," Liam said.
The crowd giggled at the sarcasm.
Even after explaining everything to him, the minister didn't understand.
“We need to wipe his memories," Maya stated.
“You are right," I said.
We came out of the forest with the help of the map Liam had taken with him.
After what seemed like forever, we got to the castle in one piece.

Fated-Alpha's Second Chance mateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora