Chapter 10 'Knock Knock It's The Wrong Guy'

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     Andrew was early. 

     It had barely turned 10 AM when I heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" I called out as I made my way to the front door, my coffee mug clutched tightly in my hand. 

     "You're early -" I started to say only to fully open my front door and see who it really was.

     Not Andrew.

     Xavier. Xavier was standing on my front porch with a box of donuts and two coffees in his hand. 

     "Good morning," he smiled brightly before walking right past me and not my house.

     "What?" I asked completely confused. I was still standing in the doorway with my mouth dropped open in shock a little.

     "I didn't know your favourite donut so I just played it safe and got all of the most popular flavours," he said putting the box down on the kitchen counter. "Same with your coffee order. I just got you my go-to order."

     I finally managed to find at least some of my bain and shut my front door before turning back around to fave Xavier. 

     "What on Earth are you doing here?" I tried again. "I don't remember inviting you over today."

     "You said that you needed help unpacking," he shrugged. 

     "No," I said right away. "I said that Andrew was coming over to help me unpack and run through our Romeo and Juliet lines together. Never once did I invite you over or ask for your help."

     "Oh," Xavier said with absolutely no remote at all. "Oops."

     "How did you even find out where I live?" I asked him stepping forward and picking up one of the donuts. 

     "It's a small town," he shrugged like it was the most obvious answer ever. "There's not a lot that happens here that I don't hear about."

     My facial expression must have given away how creepy that sounded because Xavier's face went wide as he started talking rapidly. "I just meant that my parents are really connected and my grandpa was really surprised to hear that this house wasn't going to be vacant anymore. It's just such a small town that anything that happens gets talked about. Plus no where else has had moving vans dropping stuff off since you got here."

     "I guess that means I have to get used to this," I gestured my half-eaten donut around. " People always know your business. Small-town life I take it."

     Xavier looked way lighter after my comment, the usual smile returning to his face as he took a huge bite out of the sprinkled donut in his hand. 

     "But," I piped back up. "As equally nice as it is creepy that you stopped by with donuts and more coffee," I help up the half-drank mug of lukewarm coffee in my other hand, "I already have someone else coming over to help me unpack and do homework. . ." I trailed off my words, hoping that he would take the hint and leave. But also let me keep the donuts.

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