Relationship with People

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Q: Is it wrong to swear? It's just for emphasis.

A: Yes, it's wrong to swear. You don't need to swear for people to believe you. Your honest lifestyle should be enough. It's also wrong to use swear words. They don't glorify God. You don't need to swear to be cool or prove a point.(Matthew 5:34)

Q: When I get hit, I usually want to retaliate because I feel that if I don't, I'll be taken for granted. What should I do?

A: Jesus is not a supporter of violence. When Jesus comes into you heart, he takes away the spirit of anger. Therefore, when you're hit, don't retaliate. Be the mature one and report if possible or walk away to avoid a fight. It takes two to tango. It can be hard sometimes, but as we grow in our relationship with God, it gets easier. (Matthew 5:39, Hebrews 12:14, Matthew 10:16)

Q: People say I'm intolerant because I 'shove my Christians views in their faces'. Should I mellow down and be more subtle about it?

A: Christ teaches us to be tolerant of people, but that does not mean we have to accept their views or be less assertive of ours. Be proud of your Christian faith and boldly preach to people as the Spirit leads. (Acts 10:42, 1 Corinthians 2:13)

CR: It's wrong to swear, even for emphasis. Walk away, your God will fight for you. Be tolerant of people, but be proud of your views. Remember; WWJD: What Would Jesus Do.

Heyo! People can be so hard to deal with, really. I wanna hear your thoughts. Please, vote. Maranatha, people!😇😘💖

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