Self Love and Worth

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Q: How does God see me?

A: You are very important to God. In fact, you are the apple of His eye. He sees you as His child who is part if His family. He sees you as royalty, as part of His kingdom. He values you so much that He gave up His life for you. When we're born again,God sees us as worthy of everything good. He loves you very much. (Romans 5:8, Galatians 3:26, Deuteronomy 32:10, 2 Peter 2:9)

Q: How can I love myself?

A: First, you have to realise that you can never truly love yourself if you don't love God first. Some people love themselves too much that they stop living God. They become self centered and narcissistic. This is not true self love. I like to see it this way. Christ lives in me, so in loving myself, I should also love Him too. Then, you have you see yourself the way God sees you. You are wonderful and worthy of love.( Deuteronomy 6:5, 1 John 4:19, 2 Timothy 3:2)

Q: I'm having problems loving my body, what should I do?

A: You have to understand that you are beautifully and carefully made by God. You are made in His image. God don't make no junk. There's nothing not to love in your body. Also,you should not try to fit into society's definition of beauty as illustrated but most celebrities. (Psalm 139:14, Romans 12:2)

Q: I just went through a terrible situation, so I'm trying to increase my self esteem and love by exercising, eating healthy and reading books on self love and development. This should work, right?

A: First, I'm sorry for whatever you went through, the Lord is your strength. While these activities are good in themselves, they can't necessarily raise your self esteem. After going through a bad situation, the only person that can truly help you is God. Ask him to strengthen you and spend time talking and listening to Him. You'll be amazed at how in love with and confident you'll be in yourself. (Psalm 46:1,2, 128:1, Isaiah 41:10)

Hola! In Christ, we have more love than we know what to do with. I want to hear your thoughts on this. All the love Christ has to offer (which is a lot btw)😇😘💖

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