chapter 80.

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New Years Eve

"Hey, are you alright? It's freezing out here."
I make my presence known to my best friend who has been sitting out on the back patio alone for the last several minutes.

She turns to look at me with a sad smile as she leans back on the couch. "I'm okay."

"That doesn't sound very convincing," I quirk an eyebrow, taking it upon myself to light a match and throw it into the fire pit before sitting down beside her.

"Ivy and I broke up yesterday," she explains.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I frown, taking her hand in mine as she rests her head on my shoulder, "do you want to talk about it?"

"I'll be okay, it was a mutual decision. We're both just very different people and have very different ways of living I guess. Besides, we both have feelings for other people and whilst we love each other, I don't think we love each other enough to work through that."

"I can understand that, and who knows, maybe it'll work out with whoever it is you have feelings for," I try my best to encourage her, only the dry chuckle that escapes her lips afterwards makes me frown.

"No, I won't even go there," she admits, letting out a deep breath. "How come? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, for starters she's in a relationship and I'm not about to be a homewrecker, especially since they're both perfect for each other. And I know she doesn't have the same kind of feelings towards me anyway. But, I've gotten over myself before so I can do it again."

I don't really know how to respond. I'm not great at advice at all, so instead I just give her hand a squeeze and rest my head on top of hers.

"It'll be okay, Annie. As far as I'm aware, anybody would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend," I tell her, feeling bad for my lack of encouragement.

She hums before letting my hand loose and lifting her head slowly. "You should get back to Addy, I'll come in soon," she says. "Rose has got her playing 'Twister' at the moment, I don't want to leave you out here alone," I admit.

Suddenly her face drops and a sheet of water glosses over her eyes, tears dropping within a matter of seconds.

Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a hug. Her head rests against my shoulder, tears falling onto my shirt.

We remain like that for the next few minutes until she moves back before pressing her lips against mine.

Or at least trying to.

I manage to move my head quick enough so that she only pecks the corner of my lips.

"Annie," I speak, frozen with shock.

"I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry," she panics, "I'm so, so sorry."

"It's um, it's okay. You're vulnerable at the moment. I'm sorry but you know that I uh...I don't feel–"
"—I know you don't, it's okay," she assures me, putting on a smile.

"We're still best friends, right?" I ask.

"Of course. I just think I um, I might need some space. Not because of you but because I have a lot to process," she admits, avoiding my gaze. "Okay," I nod, "that's okay."

"Lex." My Mom's voice makes both Annie and I startled as we see her standing at the back door, having know idea how long she's been there for. "Addy and Rose want you to join in on 'Twister'," she tells me.

I nod, standing up from the couch before looking back at Annie. "I think I'm gonna go home."
"Are you going to be okay to drive?"
"I didn't drive, I'll call Mom to pick me up," she explains.

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