chapter 74.

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"Aubrey, this is Lexie," Lizzie introduces me to one of the many actresses I've looked up to in my lifetime.

A warm smile curls onto her lips. "It's nice to meet you Lexie, I'm excited to work with you," she speaks genuinely. "I'm excited to work with you too," I admit with a smile, leaning into Lizzie's side as she still has one arm wrapped around my back.

"I'd shake your hand but I just ate chicken, so they're greasy," she randomly adds.

Both Lizzie and I giggle before we are called to sit down around the four folding tables that have been set up in a square.

"Where's Kathryn?" I lean over and whisper in my aunt's ear. "Late. She always is," she shares, her eye purposefully twitching.

Luckily Kathryn isn't in the first scene, but she arrives halfway through anyway as she very unsubtly walks through the door with an apologetic smile on her face.

A few laughs are shared between the cast as she takes her seat beside Lizzie.

"Hi, you must be Lexie," she says, leaning across my aunt to shake my hand. "I am, it's nice to meet you," I smile. "Likewise," she adds.

As the next four hours go by and we enter the early hours of the evening our first table read wraps until tomorrow and everyone starts to pack up.

"Hey, so a few of us are going to go out for dinner if you'd like to join?" Aubrey comes up to me as a stand up from my chair and throw my bag over my shoulder.

"Oh, um," I stubble. I know I'm not ready to eat out, especially in a group of people, but this is also the first time I've met everyone bar Lizzie so I want to make a good impression, "sure. That sounds nice."

I have a feeling I'm going to regret this.

"Great," she smiles widely as Lizzie comes over. "Hey pipsqueak, ready to go?" She questions. "Oh, I'm actually gonna come out to dinner with everyone if that's okay?"

Her eyes soften slightly as she looks at me worriedly. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll drop you back at the hotel after. Just make sure your Mom knows," she speaks gently, placing a reassuring hand on my back.

"See you there bitches," Aubrey declares, slapping Lizzie's ass before walking away. "Did she just—"
"Ignore it. You'll get used to her," she laughs as we begin to make our way to the carpark.

Once we're in the car and out of ear shot from everyone, I pull out my phone to message Mom and let her know as Lizzie turns the engine on.

"Lex, if you're not up for it you don't have to come. There's no obligation whatsoever," she assures me with a gentle smile. "I know," I nod, "I'll be okay."

Lizzie is one of the few people who know about my eating disorder. It comforts me though, because it means I don't have to hide it around her and I can lean on someone whilst I'm working.


The waiter takes our menus from us once we've all ordered and soon enough Aubrey and Kathryn were reading thirst tweets about themselves.

Most of them hadn't been wildly inappropriate so far, thank goodness, but Lizzie and I ended up falling into our own conversation as we caught up on the last couple of months.

"How's your girlfriend?" She asks quietly, a small smirk resting on her lips. "She's good. We had a bit of a rough patch but things are back to normal now," I admit honestly. "Well I'm glad," she smiles before we're interrupted by Kathryn's laugh.

"I want Aubrey Plaza run me over with a truck then fu—"

Lizzie covers my ears before I can hear the rest of the sentence.

"There's a child at the table," she scolds, trying to hold back a laugh as she releases her hands. "I'm sixteen. Not stupid," I giggle, taking a sip of my water.

When our food arrives, I look at the massive serving in front of me and internally start to panic. I only ordered falafel bowl since it was the healthiest option, but it's twice the size of a normal meal.

I watch as everyone around me starts to eat so I hesitantly pick up the fork and take small bites, sipping lots on my water between.

Each time I swallow, I feel a little more guilty and a little more like I'm going to breakdown.

"Hey, you've gone quiet. Are you alright?" Lizzie leans in, questioning with a hint of concern in her eyes. My breathing is shallow and my eyes gloss over as my knee starts bouncing and I look up to her.

She gently grabs ahold of my hand and pulls me to standing with her before excusing us from the group and walking me outside.

"Lizzie," I speak in a panic, holding my free hand against my chest. "I know, baby. It will pass, I promise you. Copy me," she says in the most calming tone before breathing in deeply.

"I-I can't do it," I whisper, tears slipping down my cheeks as I fight to get a breath in.

"Yes, you can. Here, look at me. Breathe in through your nose," she orders, cupping my cheeks in her hands. "Good. Now out."

"See? You did it," she coaxes.

For the next couple of minutes she guides me through taking deep breaths before she pulls me against her chest as I cry.

"I know it's hard, pipsqueak," she acknowledges, resting her chin to the top of my head as she gently rocks me side to side. "It's not going to be like this forever though. I know that you're going to get through this really shitty battle, I've seen you do it before. You're so strong, Lexie and are more than capable."

My cries begin to die down and turn into sniffles as I hold her tightly. "I love you," I mumble. "I love you too," she says, pulling me away from her body as she wipes my tears.

"Do you want to go home - or back to the hotel I should say - or do you want to stay for a little longer?" She questions with a gentle smile.

"Hotel. I want my Mom," I admit, my voice still shaky as I look up at her. "Okay," she nods, "let's get our purses and I'll take you back."
"It's okay, I can call my Mom. You haven't finished your meal."
"Ah, it's fine, it's a five minute drive. I'll come back to it," she shrugs.


When we pull up in front of the hotel, I see my Mom waiting outside for me as I hug Lizzie goodbye and thank her before stepping out the car.

"Oh wait, I need to give you money for dinner," I remember, searching through my purse. "Don't worry about it, I've got it covered," she tells me. "Are you sure?"
"Positive. I'll see you tomorrow," she smiles. "Okay, thank you."

I wave before closing the car door and making my way over to my Mom as she wraps an arm around my back and guides me inside.

I yawn at least three times on the elevator ride up and as we get inside, I dump my purse and work bag on the floor and flop onto the couch.

"I need a shower," I decide.

"Yeah, you stink," she jokes, flopping down beside me. "Ha. Ha."

"You feeling okay now?" She questions worriedly, pulling me into her side. "Yeah," I sigh, "it was just too much too soon."

She nods, pressing her lips against the top of my head. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart."

I hum a 'thank you' before begrudgingly standing up from the couch. "If I don't shower now, I'll fall asleep," I admit.
She giggles before reminding me to keep the door unlocked.

"I will," I groan as I grab a pair of pyjamas out from my suitcase in the bedroom before walking back out to use the bathroom.

As soon as I stepped in and had the water running at the highest pressure, I bent over the drain and tried to get rid of the food.

Does anyone else yawn when they see the word yawn cause same

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