Chapter Four - Raw Calamity

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𝐄𝐕𝐘𝐋𝐘𝐍'𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃, the frost taking hold of her body and rendering her unable to move. All she could do was helplessly stare at Vareia and pray the woman wouldn't turn her in, should someone with ill intentions be standing outside her door.

Vareia's brown eyes, as large as saucers, slowly trailed from Evylyn to a blanket slung over her couch. She cocked her head, moving to grab the blanket, before pausing and shaking her head. Evylyn watched as she drew a rune–an illusion rune, based on the smaller details and the cyan shade the rune shifted to.

Vareia cast it with a quick flourish of her hand, and when Evylyn looked down at her hands, she'd vanished. Vareia had made her invisible.

Was she going to use the blanket to throw over my head?

If someone wasn't standing outside, Evylyn would have commented on how foolish that idea would have been, assuming that was Vareia's plan. But she instead remained silent as Vareia cracked open the door.

A smile crossed her face, though her eyes remained nervous and shaky. She deeply inhaled before saying, "Can I help you?"

"We're looking for a woman who seems to have been in this area. Have you seen her?" The voice was icy and immediately set off alarm bells in Evylyn's head. Too familiar–Judge.

"No, I don't believe I have," Vareia replied, pushing her door shut slightly. But even from her angle, Evylyn could see Judge wedge his boot into the small crevice Vareia had left open, preventing her from completely blocking Judge out.

"There's a blood trail leading from where she escaped to your house. You're sure you didn't... I don't know, take her in? It practically leads straight to your door. Stopped just short of the path leading here."

"I didn't. You're the first person I've seen in years. I'm a hermit, you s–"

"I saw you talking to someone. Who was it?"

"You're asking a lot of questions..." Vareia shifted uncomfortably, eyebrows upturning as her fingers tightened around the smooth chestnut wood of her door.

"That woman," Judge said as his lip curled, "is dangerous. She's a wanted fugitive, and she's probably out there... killing babies, or something, to fuel her necromancy magic."

Vareia ducked her head, and Evylyn could see Vareia look at her out of the corner of her eye. Was she judging her? Did she believe Judge?

Anger flooded Evylyn's veins, and she took an indignant step forward at the potential realization. If Vareia of all demigods was going to judge her, the woman had another thing coming.

"Can I come inside?" Judge asked, though it sounded like more of a demand, judging by his gruff tone. Evylyn hesitantly paused; she couldn't say anything to Vareia with him here. Yet. "I'll be quick."

"N-No," Vareia said, trying her best to shove the door shut. But it proved futile as, instead, the door swung open. She skittered backwards, flustered demeanor causing Judge to cock an eyebrow up.

"Sorry, miss," Judge said as he walked into the house, narrowed eyes surveying the interior design that was crawling with large leaves and billowing plants. "You'll understand once you see the monster."

"She's not a monster!" Vareia snapped before slapping her hands against her mouth, her eyes somehow growing bigger.

Judge tilted his head, gaze stilling as he looked at Vareia. Resting a hand against his hip, his voice dripped with lethal curiosity as he asked, "So you've met her?"

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