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I cup bubbles into my hands and blow softly making them float around the room. I had made the bath overflow a little with bubbles and the room felt like some rip off jungle with the many plants I've managed to keep alive and only the giant glass window to light the room.

I lifted up my leg now covered in bubbles and I couldn't help but smile a little. This was the most relaxation I had gotten in a while. I worked and worked for hours on end and now I was finally alone with my half alive plants and bubbles.

"Ma'am." I turned my head to the closed bathroom door.

"Not now Zack." I grumbled at my body guard.

"It's a client." He urged on the other side of the door.

"It's my day off." I snapped. He burst through the door and his face immediately changed to a soft shade of pink.

"I didn't mean.." his voice trailed off and I couldn't help but smirk a little.

"Are you going to stand there and watch or get in Zack? Maybe while you're getting undressed you can tell me all about this client." I watched as he started to head out. I chuckled a little what I least expected was when the dark haired man got into the tub and placed me in his lap.

"I didn't actually mean-" I gripped the side of the tub.

"Don't be flustered now. I thought we were just getting started." Zack said in a low voice. I always thought of Zack as the shy type. That's clearly not the case.

"I was relaxing I've been working and this is my once in forever break. I was just teasing." I sighed as Zack started kissing my collarbone.

"Then relax." He nibbled on my ear. I sunk into him and laid against his chest.

"I never would've thought you had it in you." I said softly. "You struck me as the shy type."

"Well when the woman who hired you is strikingly beautiful and invites you to take a bath with her. How could I resist?" He traced circles along my arm and I closed my eyes.

"I like you Zack. So don't do anything stupid." I crossed my arms only for him to wrap his arms around me.

"If that's what the lady wants." He kissed my jaw and then my cheek. I'm falling for my bodyguard.

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