Shark Week

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I felt like my cramps had decided to murder me. Forget dying by starvation, it felt like I was being eaten from the inside out and being stabbed at the same time.

"Agh!" I yelled in pain, I curled into a ball, and then straightened out again. I should've gotten Midol yesterday. I felt so cold, but too hot. My body was dying, that's what it felt like anyway.

"Danny!" I heard someone yell from my front door. I groaned.

"It's Sam." I grumbled as I reached for my phone, and found ten missed calls and twenty messages. "Jesus. What does the kid do all day?"

"Danny are you alive!" I heard him shut the door and his hurried footsteps up the stairs, next thing I knew he was next to me, "Is there blood? How bad is it? Do you need a doctor? Ice? Chocolate? Heating pad? Flowers?"

"Sam, slow down." I patted his blonde head and his blue eyes still looked frantic. "It's just my period." I sighed as he calmed down a little.

"So chocolate, heating pad, cuddles, popcorn, juice, flowers, and a movie." He nodded and rushed out of the room.

"He's gonna make me fat." I grumbled as I buried my head into my pillows. He came back with two bowls of popcorn, a bag of chocolate, a heating pad, a stuffed bear, a whole case of juice boxes, a bouquet of flowers, and three of my favorite movies.

"Danny are you sure you're ok?" He ran his hand through my hair and I nodded.

"I'm sure." I said, leaning into his hand.

"Ok." I closed my eyes as he rustled around my room setting up everything he just brought in and turning on the TV. I opened my eyes when I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"What are we watching first?" He placed the heating pad in my hands so I could put it where I wanted to, readjusted the blankets, handed me a juice box with the straw already in place, and let out a breath.

"Hunger Games?" He asked, I looked over at him and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Works for me."

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