18. I'm Glad You're Back (P)

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Peter's POV

Seeing Taylen in that club surprised me. I only went out because Leena told me if I didn't leave the house, she was going to make me. I didn't want her to make good on her threat, so I went out with a friend. That friend left me for a girl thirty minutes in, so I just sat at the bar, sipping some water. There were a few girls in slutty outfits that tried to chat me up, but when they asked me to dance, I declined. I was just ready to go home. I finally agreed to dance to one song with this blonde chick. She seemed nice.

On our way to the floor, I caught sight of someone who looked very familiar. I got a little closer and realized it was Taylen. She was sitting on a couch, staring off into space. A few older men were staring in her direction, talking amongst themselves.

"Taylen?" I called, trying to get her attention.

She mumbled something and then replied with a cheerful, "Hey!"

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yes siree," she smiled at me.

"You seem a little drunk," I commented as I glanced over at the guys who were staring's direction.

She pinched her fingers to show me how little she was drunk. I needed to get her out of there.

"Who are you here with?" I asked another question. There was no way she came alone.

She told me the names of her friends and when I asked where they were, she said she did not know. She agreed that it was time to go home so I helped her up.

As we were walking out, the bartender came around the counter, "Peach? Is she okay?"

I thought I recognized him, and I knew he knew her because he used her old nickname, so I answered him, telling him that she was fine and that she just had a little bit too much to drink.

"Oh my God, is that Peter?" he looked at Taylen who nodded.

"Holy shit!"

I still wasn't sure who he was, and I was ready to get going.

"Alright, I'm gonna get her out of here. Later, man."

"Get her home safe," he smiled.

I nodded in response, and we continued to the car. I helped her before getting in the driver's side. I grabbed her phone and sent her friends a quick text to let them know she was safe and then we left. She was asleep before we made it out of the parking lot. It was a twenty-minute drive to her house. When we got there, I didn't bother trying to wake her up and make her walk to the door. I put my arms behind her and under her knees, successfully lifting her from the car. She woke up but did not protest the treatment.

"What is the door code?" I asked her as we climbed the steps.

I had been over enough to know that her door did not require a key, just a passcode. After she told me the code, we walked inside. I sat her down on the living room couch before taking my shoes off. I took her heels off her feet and picked her back up. It was much quicker if I just carried her. Up the stairs, I sat her down on her bed. I went and grabbed her a t-shirt from the drawer she had always kept her sleep clothes. She never slept in pants, and I assumed that hadn't changed.

She started taking her top off as I ducked into the connecting bathroom. I assumed that she had some sort of painkillers in there, and I was correct. I grabbed two pills and went back into the room, checking to make sure she was clothed before I stepped all the way in.

I walked over to her and made sure she was on her side. I had never seen her drunk or hungover, but I wanted to make sure she was going to accidentally drown herself. I tried my best to cover all the bases. Just as I was about to leave, I said goodnight to her.

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