1. My Boys (T)

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Taylen's POV

It had been a long day, and it was still a while before it was over. I went to the filing cabinet and pulled out Everly's folder. I had scheduled a meeting with her mom so we could discuss math grades. It was very high and I thought that she should be in the more advanced class. Her mom was supposed to be here at 3:15 and I hoped it wouldn't take long to convince her. My son had a soccer match that started at 4.

A few minutes later, somebody knocked on the door and peeked their head in.

"Mrs. Samuels?" a man's voice asked.

"That's me," I smiled and he walked in.

He came over to my desk and shook my hand.

"Taylen?" he asked confused.

I was confused for a second but then it came to me.


"Hey, how are you?" he smiled brightly.

"I'm great. What are you doing here?"

I knew I had his sister in my class but I was definitely expecting Leena. Not Peter.

"Well, Mom got called into work last minute and I was home today so she asked me to come," he explained.

Oh, well that made sense. I was not prepared for this. I feel very awkward.

"Shall we get into it?"


I began giving him my spiel of why I thought she should be in the more advanced class when my youngest son, Everett, came into the room. I immediately began glaring at him.

"Excuse me, one moment," I said to Peter.

Everett looked nervous as I walked over to him.

"I thought I told you to come straight here after you were dismissed. Do you have homework?"

His science teacher had messaged me earlier saying she caught him cheating on the test. I had caught him in the hallway and instructed him to come in here right after school. He was 20 minutes late.

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

"Finish that and then get started on your sentences," I told him sternly.

"Yes ma'am."

I walked back over to my desk where Peter was waiting patiently.

"Sorry about that," I said, putting a smile back on my face.

"No problem. Who's that?"

"That is my youngest son, Everett. Ev, why don't you come say hi to Peter."

Everett walked over to us and gave me a questioning look. I nodded my head to answer his question. Peter and Everett shook hands and Ev went back to his homework. Peter was also giving me a questioning look but I wouldn't answer his question.

We finished our meeting and Peter decided that it was a good idea to put her in the advanced class. Since she was a senior, it would move her class hour up and she could leave earlier anyways. When he left, I called Everett over.

"Let's go. Liam has a game."

"I know, Mom," he said annoyed.

He gathered up his stuff and slung it over his shoulder. Before we walked out, I grabbed his wrist.

"You better lose that attitude and be good. You already know you're getting spanked tonight."

"Yes ma'am," he replied still angrily.

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