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I was surprisingly happy to be back at school. Three days of doing nothing really wasn't much fun. And.. I really wanted to see Timothy. After speaking to his dad and having everything I thought confirmed to me I was kinda nervous. Apparently he was really mad at me.

Math and history dragged on. I was glad to finally hear the bell.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll meet you guys later." I said to my friends just to get rid of them.

"Oh, me too." Taylor said.


We walked to the bathroom together.

"Still can't believe that freak got away scot free." He grumbled.

"Me neither." I would have to find a way to get back at Charlie.. Without T finding out. That said, if he already hated me it wouldn't make a difference. I had to talk to him.

How was I going to get rid of Taylor in a way that didn't make me seem suspicious?

I watched as he went into one of the bathroom stalls. I waited for him to lock the door and turned right around again. I would just tell him I was done and headed back to the boys. Then I'd say I got side-tracked by a teacher that wanted to discuss my terrible grades. Perfect.

With a proud smirk I opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Immediately, some idiot bumped into me.

"Hey, watch where you're going, asshole!"

The idiot was Timothy.

I bit my tongue and waited for him to say something.

He didn't look angry. How could anyone, wearing something so ridiculous?

It seemed his obscene fashion choices always involved the color black, matched with some other color. Today was white. Black ripped skinny jeans, white converse with black laces, checkered wristbands and a white over-sized zip-up hoodie with a massive sad smiley on the front.

....Who'd do this? Does this guy not have any understanding of embarrassment?

Without saying anything at all, T walked right past me.

I grabbed his arm. "Seriously? You're ignoring me now?"

"I have nothing to say to you."

I laughed. "Well, I have some things to say to you, so," I pulled Timothy in the opposite direction.

"Stop!" He struggled against my tight grip but... compared to him I was superman. Who was I kidding? Compared to anyone I was superman.

The last thing I wanted was for Taylor to see me even talking to him. That would destroy me.

"Fuck it." I scooped Timothy up in my arm and carried him down the hall.

"I told you no!"

"I'm gonna beat him up." I clarified to some guy giving me a weird look. He nodded and raised his thumb in response.

Once we were inside the janitor's closet I put him back on his feet. Timothy refused to look at me.

"I know you think he's a saint but your boyfriend slashed my tires."

"Charlie wouldn't do that."

"Oh come on! You and I both know he's intense! He'd totally do that. And are we forgetting that he literally punched me in the face that same morning?"

Timothy sighed in defeat.

"Yeah. Think about that. Your boyfriend is just as bad as I am, maybe even worse."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now